AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

Architecture for deploying stable diffusion on ComfyUI

Deploy Stable Diffusion ComfyUI on AWS elastically and efficiently

Introduction ComfyUI is an open-source node-based workflow solution for Stable Diffusion. It offers the following advantages: Significant performance optimization for SDXL model inference High customizability, allowing users granular control Portable workflows that can be shared easily Developer-friendly Due to these advantages, ComfyUI is increasingly being used by artistic creators. In this post, we will introduce […]

Intelligent search bot for enterprise document management systems

Simplify document search at scale with intelligent search bot on AWS

Enterprise document management systems (EDMS) manage the lifecycle and distribution of documents. They often rely on keyword-based search functionality. However, it increasingly becomes hard to discover documents as such repositories grow to tens of thousands of items. In this blog, we discuss how Amazon Web Services (AWS) built an intelligent search bot on top of […]

Example of a stateless architecture

Converting stateful application to stateless using AWS services

Designing a system to be either stateful or stateless is an important choice with tradeoffs regarding its performance and scalability. In a stateful system, data from one session is carried over to the next. A stateless system doesn’t preserve data between sessions and depends on external entities such as databases or cache to manage state. […]

X-ray images are sent to AWS HealthImaging and an Amazon SageMaker endpoint extracts insights.

Improving medical imaging workflows with AWS HealthImaging and SageMaker

Medical imaging plays a critical role in patient diagnosis and treatment planning in healthcare. However, healthcare providers face several challenges when it comes to managing, storing, and analyzing medical images. The process can be time-consuming, error-prone, and costly. There’s also a radiologist shortage across regions and healthcare systems, making the demand for this specialty increases […]

Technical architecture for implementing multi-lingual semantic search functionality

Content Repository for Unstructured Data with Multilingual Semantic Search: Part 2

Leveraging vast unstructured data poses challenges, particularly for global businesses needing cross-language data search. In Part 1 of this blog series, we built the architectural foundation for the content repository. The key component of Part 1 was the dynamic access control-based logic with a web UI to upload documents. In Part 2, we extend the […]

End-to-end data-processing architecture

Temporal data lake architecture for benchmark and indices analytics

Financial trading houses and stock exchanges generate enormous volumes of data in near real-time, making it difficult to perform bi-temporal calculations that yield accurate results. Achieving this requires a processing architecture that can handle large volumes of data during peak bursts, meet strict latency requirements, and scale according to incoming volumes. In this post, we’ll […]

Optimize digital channels monitoring and management for Marketing

IBM Consulting creates innovative AWS solutions in French Hackathon

In March 2023, IBM Consulting delivered an Innovation Hackathon in France, aimed at designing and building new innovative solutions for real customer use cases using the AWS Cloud. In this post, we briefly explore six of the solutions considered and demonstrate the AWS architectures created and implemented during the Hackathon. Hackathon solutions Solution 1: Optimize […]

Serverless data archiving and retrieval

Reduce archive cost with serverless data archiving

For regulatory reasons, decommissioning core business systems in financial services and insurance (FSI) markets requires data to remain accessible years after the application is retired. Traditionally, FSI companies either outsourced data archiving to third-party service providers, which maintained application replicas, or purchased vendor software to query and visualize archival data. In this blog post, we […]

Architecture for AWS Clean Rooms Scope 3 collaboration

Managing data confidentiality for Scope 3 emissions using AWS Clean Rooms

Scope 3 emissions are indirect greenhouse gas emissions that are a result of a company’s activities, but occur outside the company’s direct control or ownership. Measuring these emissions requires collecting data from a wide range of external sources, like raw material suppliers, transportation providers, and other third parties. One of the main challenges with Scope […]

Many-to-many vehicle routing architecture

Optimizing fleet utilization with Amazon Location Service and HERE Technologies

The fleet management market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.5 percent—from 25.5 billion US dollars in 2022 to USD 52.4 billion in 2027. Optimizing how your organization uses its vehicle fleet is important for logistics and service providers such as last mile, middle mile, and field services. In […]