AWS Architecture Blog

Tag: Software as a Service

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Learn About Machine Learning on AWS

A data-driven approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions based on accurate predictions and forecasts, leading to improved operational efficiency and resource optimization. Machine learning (ML) systems have the remarkable ability to continuously learn and adapt, improving their performance over time as they are exposed to more data. This self-learning capability ensures that organizations can […]

Cloud architecture of the sample code

Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog series, we demonstrated why tiering and throttling become necessary at scale for multi-tenant REST APIs, and explored tiering strategy and throttling with Amazon API Gateway. In this post, Part 2, we will examine tenant isolation strategies at scale with API Gateway and extend the sample code from Part 1. […]

Figure 1. Cloud Architecture of the sample code.

Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 1

Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers adopt throttling as a common technique to protect a distributed system from spikes of inbound traffic that might compromise reliability, reduce throughput, or increase operational cost. Multi-tenant SaaS systems have an additional concern of fairness; excessive traffic from one tenant needs to be selectively throttled without impacting the experience of other […]