AWS Cloud Financial Management
Category: Amazon EC2 Container Service
Announcing Idle Recommendations in AWS Compute Optimizer
Starting today, AWS Compute Optimizer will give recommendations to clean up idle resources. AWS Compute Optimizer historically has been focused on providing rightsizing recommendations to save cost and improve performance. To help you drive further cost savings, we are expanding the focus to now include detecting and recommending cleanup of idle recommendations. With this launch, you will get recommendations for idle EBS volumes, ECS tasks on running on Fargate, EC2 instances, EC2 Auto Scaling groups, and RDS instances.
Update: Amazon ECS Product Name Change in the AWS Billing and Cost Management
Voiced by Amazon Polly If you are currently using Amazon ECS and have set up your cost reporting with specific service filters to track your Amazon ECS cost and usage, please read this blog post. February 16, 2021, the product name of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) was changed from “EC2 Container Service” to […]