AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: Amazon EC2

Choosing the AWS pricing strategy that fits your business

AWS pricing strategies offer you the flexibility to choose the most effective way to manage your costs and still keep the performance and capacity you require. Learn about Savings Plans and Reserved Instances and how you can decide what is right for your business.

Five things you should do to create an accurate on premises vs cloud comparison model

When helping customers build TCO models for their cloud migration, we often come across customer analysts who say their financial models show that moving to the cloud is more expensive than staying on premises. What we’ve found is that customers often exclude key inputs that lead to inaccurate cost comparison models.

Key ways to start optimizing your AWS cloud costs

With AWS, you can take control of your cost and continuously optimize your cloud spend, while building modern, scalable applications to meet your needs. Sounds simple enough, right? But, there will be a learning curve to understand what tools and resources to use for specific purposes.

AWS Cloud Financial Management August Recap

In the month of August, AWS Cloud Financial Management (CFM) team has made several feature enhancements that can make your CFM journey a bit easier. AWS celebrated the 15 year anniversary of Amazon EC2. Another successful CFM peer connect event was concluded. New customer story and CFM content have been published. Learn more about these updates.

Selecting a unit metric to support your business

Voiced by Amazon Polly September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Having discussed what unit metrics are, real-life use cases, and the benefits they offer, we’ll share how you can create a good unit metric. So, how do you pick a good denominator for our unit metric formula? […]

A Conversation with Duda’s DevOps team

One of our focuses this year is to share more customer stories with you. We recently sat down with one of our customers and a valued partner – Duda to reflect upon their Cloud Financial Management (CFM) journey. In this blog post, we will give you a brief overview on how they tackled this important task.

Launch: Resource Optimization Recommendations

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. AWS now generates custom Amazon EC2 resource optimization recommendations, calculating ideal configurations based on your past usage. Using these recommendations in the AWS Cost Management product suite, you can identify opportunities for cost efficiency and act on them by terminating […]

Launch: Usage-Based Forecasting now Available in AWS Cost Explorer

Forecasting is an essential part of staying on top of your cloud costs and usage, and becomes even more important as your business scales. AWS Cost Explorer now gives you the ability to create custom usage forecasts to gain a line of sight into your expected future costs. Learn more about getting started with AWS […]

Launch: AWS Budgets Reports

Starting today, you can opt in to daily, weekly, or monthly AWS Budgets Reports emails using AWS Budgets. This tool allows you (and other organization members) to quickly and easily keep an eye on costs, usage, and reservations—all without having to log in to the AWS Management Console. This post walks you through the process […]