AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: AWS Compute Optimizer

AWS Cloud Financial Management 2022 Q4 recap

Hope you all had a memorable holiday and are ready to kickstart your Cloud Financial Management (CFM) effort for 2023. We were busy in Q4 last year and want to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you just started following our blog channel, we’ve provided reference links in this blog so you have the […]

AWS Compute Optimizer launches support for Amazon ECS services on AWS Fargate

One of the most common customer requests we receive is related to supporting containerized applications. Compute Optimizer now has recommendations to help you identify optimal CPU and memory configurations for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) services running on AWS Fargate.

AWS Compute Optimizer launches integration with application performance monitoring and observability partners

AWS Compute Optimizer launched the capability to integrate with several leading application performance management and observability partners, so you can view recommendations for your resources, regardless of your application monitoring preference. You now have multiple options for acquiring and including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) memory metrics in your EC2 rightsizing recommendations.

2021 Year-to-Date AWS Cloud Financial Management Updates Recap

For those of you who don’t want to miss any news from AWS Cloud Financial Management (CFM) space in 2021, this blog post will provide a quick recap of this year’s updates: from category name updates, to CFM training for builders, to all the service and feature enhancement across CFM solution areas.

A Conversation with Duda’s DevOps team

One of our focuses this year is to share more customer stories with you. We recently sat down with one of our customers and a valued partner – Duda to reflect upon their Cloud Financial Management (CFM) journey. In this blog post, we will give you a brief overview on how they tackled this important task.