AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: Announcements

Get AWS Cost Anomaly Detection alert notifications in Slack through AWS Chatbot

Get near real-time visibility into anomalous spend by receiving AWS Cost Anomaly Detection alert notifications in Slack using AWS Chatbot. With faster visibility and insights you can reduce cost surprises, enhance control, and proactively increase savings. AWS Cost Anomaly Detection uses advanced Machine Learning to help identify and evaluate the root cause of spend anomalies. […]

Putting AWS re:Invent 2021 Cost Optimization Announcements into Practice

Putting AWS re:Invent 2021 cost optimization announcements into practice

Following re:Invent 2021 and all the amazing announcements, there are so many new and exciting ways for customers to optimize cloud spend. This blog highlights some opportunities that customers could really benefit from, and offers guidance on how to take advantage of them, and, therefore, the savings.

2021 Year-to-Date AWS Cloud Financial Management Updates Recap

For those of you who don’t want to miss any news from AWS Cloud Financial Management (CFM) space in 2021, this blog post will provide a quick recap of this year’s updates: from category name updates, to CFM training for builders, to all the service and feature enhancement across CFM solution areas.

Introducing AWS Application Cost Profiler, offering user-based cost data of shared AWS resources

Voiced by Amazon Polly   October 6, 2021: This blog post is under construction. Please refer back to this post in a day or two for the most accurate and helpful information. It has become increasingly common for customers to deploy applications that share infrastructure resources for the purpose of cloud cost optimization. As more organizations […]

Update: Amazon ECS Product Name Change in the AWS Billing and Cost Management

Voiced by Amazon Polly   If you are currently using Amazon ECS and have set up your cost reporting with specific service filters to track your Amazon ECS cost and usage, please read this blog post. February 16, 2021, the product name of Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) was changed from “EC2 Container Service” to […]

Finding savings from 2020 re:Invent announcements

Find cost savings from 2020 re:Invent announcements. Learn how you can save with Amazon EBS gp3; monitor and save your AWS Lambda cost with CloudWatch Lambda Insights; and save cost for your Amazon Athena usage with engine version 2 and control costs for your Athena workgroups with CloudWatch Query Metrics.

Announcing General Availability of AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

Announcing General Availability of AWS Cost Anomaly Detection

We are excited to announce that AWS Cost Anomaly Detection is now generally available. AWS Cost Anomaly Detection uses a multi-layered machine learning model that learns your unique, historic spend patterns to detect one-time cost spike and/or continuous cost increases, without you having to define your thresholds. Every anomaly detected will be available in the detection history tab. We send you the anomaly detection report with root-cause analysis. And the service also comes at no cost to our customers.

Launch: Savings Plans Expiration and Queued Alerts now available in AWS Cost Management

“The faintest ink is better than the best memory”, as the idiom goes. This is so true in my life.  My credit scores and the longevity of my relationships rely heavily on these reminders for payments, anniversaries, and meetings. Our Cloud Financial Management solution team is constantly looking for ways to give you peace of […]