AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: AWS Cost Explorer

blog image for FinOps X announcement recap

AWS’ debut to FinOps X: recap and product announcement highlights

Our product teams have spared no effort in the past few months developing new capabilities, so that we can bring the latest advancements to FinOps X. Let’s take a moment to recap the product announcements made at FinOps X and how they can help accomplish your FinOps goals.

Aligning Cloud Costs with the General Ledger for Accurate Financial Analysis

Aligning Cloud Costs with the General Ledger for Accurate Financial Analysis

Given cloud invoice timing and the corporate closing calendar, variances between the AWS CUR and the GL are common for many companies. Our recommendation is to document your financial closing process, and educate leadership on any identified variance drivers. Calculating the variance percentage between the finalized AWS CUR and your GL entry to use as a talking point can also enhance understanding of the financial process.

Recap of 2023 reinvent CFM launches

Recap of AWS re:Invent 2023 Cloud Financial Management Product Launch Announcements

If you’re scratching your head and trying to catch up with all the re:Invent launch announcements from the AWS Cloud Financial Management team, let me walk you through how your FinOps experience may be improved for better with the latest capabilities that were just released last week at AWS re:Invent 2023. I’ve also included recordings of these launch announcements, so you can watch these at your own pace.

Cost Explorer now supports extended history and granular resource level data

Extended history and more granular data available within AWS Cost Explorer

We have extended the history and improved the granularity of data available in AWS Cost Explorer. Cost Explorer by default now supports 14 months of cost and usage data at daily granularity. In addition, customers have the option to enable up to 38 months of history at a monthly granularity, and they have the option to enable 14 days of resource level data for any AWS service at daily granularity. Each of these features is offered for free.

unified billing and cost management console

Managing your cloud finances with the unified Billing and Cost Management Console

Today, AWS launched a unified Billing and Cost Management console to help you manage your AWS cloud finances more easily and efficiently. The unified console includes a new home page with insights and recommendations to help you make faster, better-informed decisions, more intuitive navigation to streamline your workflows, and improved resources to help you learn and implement Cloud Financial Management best practices. This post explains how you can use the unified Billing and Cost Management console to manage your AWS cloud finances and answers frequently asked questions.

2023 Q3 CFM Recap

AWS Cloud Financial Management 2023 Q3 Launch Recap

Thanks to our product and engineering teams’ tireless efforts in building new capabilities for AWS Cloud Financial Management portfolio, I get to talk about these amazing features. Let’s take a look at what we’ve made available for you in the last quarter.

AWS re:Invent 2023 Know Before You Go: a guide to Cloud Financial Management programs

If you’re planning to attend the AWS re:Invent 2023 and wondering what Cloud Financial Management sessions and activities you should participate, look no further! In this blog post, we’ll take a sneak peek into these programs. Hope it can help you navigate re:Invent like a true CFM pro and learn and meet with like-minded FinOps professionals.