Category: Open Source

Build SAP Golden AMIs with EC2 Image Builder and Ansible

Introduction Over the last few years, we’ve been sharing with you how to optimize the operations of your SAP workloads on AWS, using automation, through a series of blog posts. This includes using Terraform to provision AWS infrastructure for SAP, automating the installation and configuration of your SAP applications, and proving the resiliency of your […]

Automate High Availability Tests for SAP HANA

Introduction The software development and operations industry has been modernizing and increasingly, applying DevOps as the standard approach to its processes. However, SAP installation and operations still tend to be very much manually driven. To help evolve this to an automated approach, we’ve demonstrated in our first blog post how to provision the infrastructure for […]

Automating SAP installation with open-source tools

Introduction We’ve already demonstrated in our first blog post how to provision the infrastructure for SAP applications using Terraform, and in our second blog post we added in automation of SAP software installation using Systems Manager. Now it is time to go deeper with open-source common tools like Jenkins and Ansible to have the SAP […]