AWS Marketplace

Category: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Automate Tigera Calico Cloud and EKS clusters integration using AWS Control Tower

Automate Tigera Calico Cloud and EKS clusters integration using AWS Control Tower

Migrating to the cloud has enabled many organizations to reduce costs, innovate faster, and deliver business results more effectively. However, as businesses expand their cloud infrastructure, they must adopt robust monitoring strategies to keep an eye on operations, performance, reliability, security, and costs in their expanded environment. Having a multi-account strategy is a best practice […]

Autonomously manage release quality for AWS Lambdas and Amazon EKS Sedai

Autonomously manage release quality for AWS Lambdas and Amazon EKS with Sedai

Testing new code releases can be time-consuming, which makes it hard for teams to focus on innovation and the next build. Autonomous cloud platform solutions such as Sedai can help manage your code deployments so that you can focus on what’s next instead of what’s already been done. Sedai Release Intelligence provides real-time insight on […]

AWS Marketplace QuickLaunch for Amazon EKS simplifies container deployment in AWS Marketplace

During Re:invent 2018, AWS Marketplace announced the launch of AWS Marketplace for Containers. AWS Marketplace for Containers allows customers to find, subscribe to, and deploy container applications in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Amazon ECS-Anywhere (Amazon ECS-A), Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), and AWS Fargate. Throughout this time, the AWS Marketplace team have […]

runtime security eks araali

Implementing runtime security for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service with Araali

Enterprises have rapidly adopted Kubernetes. Yet for most teams, Kubernetes runtime security remains a challenge. Many enterprises use managed Kubernetes services such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and believe that AWS is fully responsible for the security of their Kubernetes deployment. In reality, AWS is accountable only for the master node. The enterprise […]

AWS Marketplace reInvent 2020

AWS Marketplace at re:Invent, week of December 14

Here are AWS Marketplace sessions you can register for and view at re:Invent this week! Each session is held three times, in Pacific Standard Time (PST), Singapore Standard Time (SST), and London Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time zones. Be sure to check the linked catalog listing, as dates and times may change. MKT208: Use data […]

Creating container products for AWS Marketplace using Amazon EKA and AWS Fargate

Creating container products for AWS Marketplace using Amazon EKS and AWS Fargate

Metered pricing in AWS Marketplace AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of software solutions from Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). It makes it easy for AWS customers to find, test, buy and deploy software in minutes on AWS. By listing your software in AWS Marketplace, you can reach a worldwide target audience while reducing […]

AWS Marketplace sessions reInvent 2019

December 5: AWS Marketplace sessions today at re:Invent

Here are your AWS Marketplace sessions for December 5. Please double-check the AWS re:Invent event catalog to confirm the date, time, and venue for your session! You can also get demos and education from 11 sellers (rotating daily) in the AWS Partner Solutions Experience in the southwest corner of the Venetian expo hall. Follow AWS […]