AWS Marketplace

Category: Monitoring and observability

Visualize your CloudWatch metrics with AWS resource tags in Coralogix from AWS Marketplace

This post will show you how to take your CloudWatch metrics to the next level by using your AWS resource tags in your monitoring setup.

Streamlining and fast-tracking vendor risk assessments with AWS Marketplace vendor insights

Streamlining and fast-tracking vendor risk assessments with AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights

In this post, I show how to use AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights to access security profiles associated with vendor products listed in AWS Marketplace. The AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights dashboard presents compliance artifacts and security control information for software products to help buyers complete their vendor risk assessment.

Deploy Datadog’s AWS Integration into new accounts using AWS Control Tower Account Factory Customization

Deploy Datadog’s AWS Integration into new accounts using AWS Control Tower Account Factory Customization

In this post, Ryan and I show you how to deploy Datadog’s AWS integration for monitoring your accounts with AWS Control Tower using a predefined Datadog AWS Integration blueprint. With Account Factory Customization, you can quickly configure your accounts to meet your business needs.

Using Cribl Stream on AWS Control Tower with Account Factory Customization

Using Cribl Stream on AWS Control Tower with Account Factory Customization

In this post, Kam, Michelle, and I show you how to deploy the Cribl Stream observability Partner Solution into a new AWS account as part of the provisioning process using Account Factory Customization. Account Factory Customization enables you to create custom accounts natively in AWS Control Tower, define custom resources and configurations, and reduce account maintenance overhead.

Autonomously manage release quality for AWS Lambdas and Amazon EKS Sedai

Autonomously manage release quality for AWS Lambdas and Amazon EKS with Sedai

Testing new code releases can be time-consuming, which makes it hard for teams to focus on innovation and the next build. Autonomous cloud platform solutions such as Sedai can help manage your code deployments so that you can focus on what’s next instead of what’s already been done. Sedai Release Intelligence provides real-time insight on […]

Automate multi account observability in AWS using Cribl and AWS Control Tower

Automate multi account observability in AWS using Cribl and AWS Control Tower

Having a multi-account strategy is a best practice to achieve higher isolation of resources. It also helps to meet regulatory and compliance needs, track operational costs, and add an extra layer of security. AWS Control Tower uses AWS best practices to establish a well-architected, multi-account baseline and also enables governance across your AWS accounts. Many […]

observability with moesif and AWS marketplace

How to gain API observability with Amazon API Gateway and Moesif in minutes

API observability, which consists of logging, monitoring, and tracing, is a form of direct observation of a system and requires an agent or SDK to passively log API traffic. This data collection can be done within the application or at different points, such as with an API gateway. API observability can provide your business and […]

dynatrace aws marketplace aws control tower diagram

Increasing observability in your AWS Control Tower landing zone with Dynatrace

AWS recommends that customers adopt a multi-account strategy as a best practice to achieve higher isolation of resources and help meet security, regulatory, and compliance needs. Customers must address questions around tracking their operational cost, identify security improvements, and ensure reliability and performance efficiency. Full-stack observability offers the troubleshooting tools needed, regardless of where problems […]

automate multi account permissions CloudKnox

Automate multi account permissions management in AWS using CloudKnox and AWS Control Tower

This blog post was written by Kanishk Mahajan, ISV Solutions Architecture Lead at AWS and guest author Maya Neelakandhan, Head of Customer Success at CloudKnox. Introduction Permissions management in AWS empowers security and cloud infrastructure teams to protect your cloud resources from misuse of identity permissions. Cloud security requires continuous enforcement of least-privilege policies across […]