AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Amazon API Gateway

Implement a full stack serverless search application using AWS Amplify, Amazon Cognito, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

Designing a full stack search application requires addressing numerous challenges to provide a smooth and effective user experience. This encompasses tasks such as integrating diverse data from various sources with distinct formats and structures, optimizing the user experience for performance and security, providing multilingual support, and optimizing for cost, operations, and reliability. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless […]

Architecture diagram for the Athena WebSocket API. The user connects to the API through API Gateway. API Gateway uses Lambda and DynamoDB to store session data. SQL queries are routed to Amazon Athena and a Step Function polls for query status and returns the results back to the user.

Access Amazon Athena in your applications using the WebSocket API

In this post, we present a solution that can integrate with your front-end application to query data from Amazon S3 using an Athena synchronous API invocation. With this solution, you can add a layer of abstraction to your application on direct Athena API calls and promote the access using the WebSocket API developed with Amazon API Gateway. The query results are returned back to the application as Amazon S3 presigned URLs.

Build a serverless analytics application with Amazon Redshift and Amazon API Gateway

Serverless applications are a modernized way to perform analytics among business departments and engineering teams. Business teams can gain meaningful insights by simplifying their reporting through web applications and distributing it to a broader audience. Use cases can include the following: Dashboarding – A webpage consisting of tables and charts where each component can offer […]

How a blockchain startup built a prototype solution to solve the need of analytics for decentralized applications with AWS Data Lab

February 9, 2024: Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose has been renamed to Amazon Data Firehose. Read the AWS What’s New post to learn more. This post is co-written with Dr. Quan Hoang Nguyen, CTO at Fantom Foundation. Here at Fantom Foundation (Fantom), we have developed a high performance, highly scalable, and secure smart contract platform. It’s […]

Build a pseudonymization service on AWS to protect sensitive data: Part 1

According to an article in MIT Sloan Management Review, 9 out of 10 companies believe their industry will be digitally disrupted. In order to fuel the digital disruption, companies are eager to gather as much data as possible. Given the importance of this new asset, lawmakers are keen to protect the privacy of individuals and […]

How to delete user data in an AWS data lake

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an important aspect of today’s technology world, and processing data in compliance with GDPR is a necessity for those who implement solutions within the AWS public cloud. One article of GDPR is the “right to erasure” or “right to be forgotten” which may require you to implement a solution […]

Govern how your clients interact with Apache Kafka using API Gateway

In this blog post, we will show you how Amazon API Gateway can answer these questions as a component between your Amazon MSK cluster and your clients. Amazon MSK is a fully managed service for Apache Kafka that makes it easy to provision Kafka clusters with just a few clicks without the need to provision servers, manage storage, or configure Apache Zookeeper manually. Apache Kafka is an open-source platform for building real-time streaming data pipelines and applications.

Building a Real World Evidence Platform on AWS

Deriving insights from large datasets is central to nearly every industry, and life sciences is no exception. To combat the rising cost of bringing drugs to market, pharmaceutical companies are looking for ways to optimize their drug development processes. They are turning to big data analytics to better quantify the effect that their drug compounds […]