AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Business Intelligence

Architectural Patterns for Real Time Analytics using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Part 2 – AI Applications

Architectural Patterns for real-time analytics using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Part 2: AI Applications

Welcome back to our exciting exploration of architectural patterns for real-time analytics with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams! In this fast-paced world, Kinesis Data Streams stands out as a versatile and robust solution to tackle a wide range of use cases with real-time data, from dashboarding to powering artificial intelligence (AI) applications. In this series, we […]

Derive operational insights from application logs using Automated Data Analytics on AWS

Automated Data Analytics (ADA) on AWS is an AWS solution that enables you to derive meaningful insights from data in a matter of minutes through a simple and intuitive user interface. ADA offers an AWS-native data analytics platform that is ready to use out of the box by data analysts for a variety of use […]