AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Introducing Amazon EMR on EKS with Apache Flink: A scalable, reliable, and efficient data processing platform

AWS recently announced that Apache Flink is generally available for Amazon EMR on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Apache Flink is a scalable, reliable, and efficient data processing framework that handles real-time streaming and batch workloads (but is most commonly used for real-time streaming). Amazon EMR on EKS is a deployment option for Amazon EMR […]

Architectural Patterns for Real Time Analytics using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Part 2 – AI Applications

Architectural Patterns for real-time analytics using Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Part 2: AI Applications

Welcome back to our exciting exploration of architectural patterns for real-time analytics with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams! In this fast-paced world, Kinesis Data Streams stands out as a versatile and robust solution to tackle a wide range of use cases with real-time data, from dashboarding to powering artificial intelligence (AI) applications. In this series, we […]

In-place version upgrades for applications on Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink now supported

Managed Service for Apache Flink is a fully managed, serverless experience in running Apache Flink applications, and now supports Apache Flink 1.18.1, the latest released version of Apache Flink at the time of writing. In this post, we explore in-place version upgrades, a new feature offered by Managed Service for Apache Flink. We provide guidance on getting started and offer detailed insights into the feature. Later, we deep dive into how the feature works and some sample use cases.

Use AWS Data Exchange to seamlessly share Apache Hudi datasets

Apache Hudi was originally developed by Uber in 2016 to bring to life a transactional data lake that could quickly and reliably absorb updates to support the massive growth of the company’s ride-sharing platform. Apache Hudi is now widely used to build very large-scale data lakes by many across the industry. Today, Hudi is the […]

Achieve peak performance and boost scalability using multiple Amazon Redshift serverless workgroups and Network Load Balancer

As data analytics use cases grow, factors of scalability and concurrency become crucial for businesses. Your analytic solution architecture should be able to handle large data volumes at high concurrency and without compromising speed, thereby delivering a scalable high-performance analytics environment. Amazon Redshift Serverless provides a fully managed, petabyte-scale, auto scaling cloud data warehouse to […]

Use AWS Glue Data Catalog views to analyze data

In this post, we show you how to use the new views feature the AWS Glue Data Catalog. SQL views are a powerful object used across relational databases. You can use views to decrease the time to insights of data by tailoring the data that is queried. Additionally, you can use the power of SQL […]

Governing data in relational databases using Amazon DataZone

Data governance is a key enabler for teams adopting a data-driven culture and operational model to drive innovation with data. Amazon DataZone is a fully managed data management service that makes it faster and easier for customers to catalog, discover, share, and govern data stored across Amazon Web Services (AWS), on premises, and on third-party […]

Analyze more demanding as well as larger time series workloads with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless 

In today’s data-driven landscape, managing and analyzing vast amounts of data, especially logs, is crucial for organizations to derive insights and make informed decisions. However, handling this data efficiently presents a significant challenge, prompting organizations to seek scalable solutions without the complexity of infrastructure management. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless lets you run OpenSearch in the AWS […]

Detect and handle data skew on AWS Glue

AWS Glue is a fully managed, serverless data integration service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that uses Apache Spark as one of its backend processing engines (as of this writing, you can use Python Shell, Spark, or Ray). Data skew occurs when the data being processed is not evenly distributed across the Spark cluster, […]