AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

Derive operational insights from application logs using Automated Data Analytics on AWS

Automated Data Analytics (ADA) on AWS is an AWS solution that enables you to derive meaningful insights from data in a matter of minutes through a simple and intuitive user interface. ADA offers an AWS-native data analytics platform that is ready to use out of the box by data analysts for a variety of use […]

The art and science of data product portfolio management

This post is the first in a series dedicated to the art and science of practical data mesh implementation (for an overview of data mesh, read the original whitepaper The data mesh shift). The series attempts to bridge the gap between the tenets of data mesh and its real-life implementation by deep-diving into the functional […]

Build a serverless log analytics pipeline using Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion with managed Amazon OpenSearch Service

In this post, we show how to build a log ingestion pipeline using the new Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion, a fully managed data collector that delivers real-time log and trace data to Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. OpenSearch Ingestion is powered by the open-source data collector Data Prepper. Data Prepper is part of the open-source OpenSearch project. […]

With a zero-ETL approach, AWS is helping builders realize near-real-time analytics

Data is at the center of every application, process, and business decision. When data is used to improve customer experiences and drive innovation, it can lead to business growth. According to Forrester, advanced insights-driven businesses are 8.5 times more likely than beginners to report at least 20% revenue growth. However, to realize this growth, managing […]

Amazon OpenSearch Service’s vector database capabilities explained

Using Amazon OpenSearch Service’s vector database capabilities, you can implement semantic search, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with LLMs, recommendation engines, and search in rich media. Learn how.

Choosing an open table format for your transactional data lake on AWS

August 2023: This post was updated to include Apache Iceberg support in Amazon Redshift. Disclaimer: Due to rapid advancements in AWS service support for open table formats, recent developments might not yet be reflected in this post. For the latest information on AWS service support for open table formats, refer to the official AWS service […]

Build an analytics pipeline for a multi-account support case dashboard

As organizations mature in their cloud journey, they have many accounts (even hundreds) that they need to manage. Imagine having to manage support cases for these accounts without a unified dashboard. Administrators have to access each account either by switching roles or with single sign-on (SSO) in order to view and manage support cases. This […]

Working with percolators in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Amazon OpenSearch Service is a managed service that makes it easy to secure, deploy, and operate OpenSearch and legacy Elasticsearch clusters at scale in the AWS Cloud. Amazon OpenSearch Service provisions all the resources for your cluster, launches it, and automatically detects and replaces failed nodes, reducing the overhead of self-managed infrastructures. The service makes it […]

How to choose the right Amazon MSK cluster type for you

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is an AWS streaming data service that manages Apache Kafka infrastructure and operations, making it easy for developers and DevOps managers to run Apache Kafka applications and Kafka Connect connectors on AWS, without the need to become experts in operating Apache Kafka. Amazon MSK operates, maintains, and […]

Patterns for enterprise data sharing at scale

Data sharing is becoming an important element of an enterprise data strategy. AWS services like AWS Data Exchange provide an avenue for companies to share or monetize their value-added data with other companies. Some organizations would like to have a data sharing platform where they can establish a collaborative and strategic approach to exchange data […]