AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Serverless

Perform reindexing in Amazon OpenSearch Serverless using Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

In this post, we outline the steps to copy data between two indexes in the same OpenSearch Serverless collection using the new OpenSearch source feature of OpenSearch Ingestion. This is particularly useful for reindexing operations where you want to change your data schema. OpenSearch Serverless and OpenSearch Ingestion are both serverless services that enable you to seamlessly handle your data workflows, providing optimal performance and scalability.

Analyze more demanding as well as larger time series workloads with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless 

In today’s data-driven landscape, managing and analyzing vast amounts of data, especially logs, is crucial for organizations to derive insights and make informed decisions. However, handling this data efficiently presents a significant challenge, prompting organizations to seek scalable solutions without the complexity of infrastructure management. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless lets you run OpenSearch in the AWS […]

Run interactive workloads on Amazon EMR Serverless from Amazon EMR Studio

Starting from release 6.14, Amazon EMR Studio supports interactive analytics on Amazon EMR Serverless. You can now use EMR Serverless applications as the compute, in addition to Amazon EMR on EC2 clusters and Amazon EMR on EKS virtual clusters, to run JupyterLab notebooks from EMR Studio Workspaces. EMR Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) […]

How the GoDaddy data platform achieved over 60% cost reduction and 50% performance boost by adopting Amazon EMR Serverless

This is a guest post co-written with Brandon Abear, Dinesh Sharma, John Bush, and Ozcan IIikhan from GoDaddy. GoDaddy empowers everyday entrepreneurs by providing all the help and tools to succeed online. With more than 20 million customers worldwide, GoDaddy is the place people come to name their ideas, build a professional website, attract customers, […]

In-stream anomaly detection with Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion and Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

Unsupervised machine learning analytics has emerged as a powerful tool for anomaly detection in today’s data-rich landscape, especially with the growing volume of machine-generated data. In-stream anomaly detection offers real-time insights into data anomalies, enabling proactive response. Amazon OpenSearch Serverless focuses on delivering seamless scalability and management of search workloads; Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion complements this […]

Use Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion to migrate to Amazon OpenSearch Serverless

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless is an on-demand auto scaling configuration for Amazon OpenSearch Service. Since its release, the interest for OpenSearch Serverless had been steadily growing. Customers prefer to let the service manage its capacity automatically rather than having to manually provision capacity. Until now, customers have had to rely on using custom code or third-party […]

Use Amazon Athena with Spark SQL for your open-source transactional table formats

In this post, we show you how to use Spark SQL in Amazon Athena notebooks and work with Iceberg, Hudi, and Delta Lake table formats. We demonstrate common operations such as creating databases and tables, inserting data into the tables, querying data, and looking at snapshots of the tables in Amazon S3 using Spark SQL in Athena.

How FanDuel adopted a modern Amazon Redshift architecture to serve critical business workloads

This post is co-written with Sreenivasa Mungala and Matt Grimm from FanDuel. In this post, we share how FanDuel moved from a DC2 nodes architecture to a modern Amazon Redshift architecture, which includes Redshift provisioned clusters using RA3 instances, Amazon Redshift data sharing, and Amazon Redshift Serverless. About FanDuel Part of Flutter Entertainment, FanDuel Group […]

Introducing persistent buffering for Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion

Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion is a fully managed, serverless pipeline that delivers real-time log, metric, and trace data to Amazon OpenSearch Service domains and OpenSearch Serverless collections. Customers use Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion pipelines to ingest data from a variety of data sources, both pull-based and push-based. When ingesting data from pull-based sources, such as Amazon Simple […]

Introducing AWS Glue serverless Spark UI for better monitoring and troubleshooting

Today, we are pleased to announce serverless Spark UI built into the AWS Glue console. You can now use Spark UI easily as it’s a built-in component of the AWS Glue console, enabling you to access it with a single click when examining the details of any given job run. There’s no infrastructure setup or teardown required. AWS Glue serverless Spark UI is a fully-managed serverless offering and generally starts up in a matter of seconds. Serverless Spark UI makes it significantly faster and easier to get jobs working in production because you have ready access to low level details for your job runs.