AWS Big Data Blog
Disaster recovery strategies for Amazon MWAA – Part 2
Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (Amazon MWAA) is a fully managed orchestration service that makes it straightforward to run data processing workflows at scale. Amazon MWAA takes care of operating and scaling Apache Airflow so you can focus on developing workflows. However, although Amazon MWAA provides high availability within an AWS Region through features like Multi-AZ deployment of Airflow components, recovering from a Regional outage requires a multi-Region deployment.
In Part 1 of this series, we highlighted challenges for Amazon MWAA disaster recovery and discussed best practices to improve resiliency. In particular, we discussed two key strategies: backup and restore and warm standby. In this post, we dive deep into the implementation for both strategies and provide a deployable solution to realize the architectures in your own AWS account.
The solution for this post is hosted on GitHub. The README in the repository offers tutorials as well as further workflow details for both backup and restore and warm standby strategies.
Backup and restore architecture
The backup and restore strategy involves periodically backing up Amazon MWAA metadata to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets in the primary Region. The backups are replicated to an S3 bucket in the secondary Region. In case of a failure in the primary Region, a new Amazon MWAA environment is created in the secondary Region and hydrated with the backed-up metadata to restore the workflows.
The project uses the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and is set up like a standard Python project. Refer to the detailed deployment steps in the README file to deploy it in your own accounts.
The following diagram shows the architecture of the backup and restore strategy and its key components:
- Primary Amazon MWAA environment – The environment in the primary Region hosts the workflows
- Metadata backup bucket – The bucket in the primary Region stores periodic backups of Airflow metadata tables
- Replicated backup bucket – The bucket in the secondary Region syncs metadata backups through Amazon S3 cross-Region replication
- Secondary Amazon MWAA environment – This environment is created on-demand during recovery in the secondary Region
- Backup workflow – This workflow periodically backups up Airflow metadata to the S3 buckets in the primary Region
- Recovery workflow – This workflow monitors the primary Amazon MWAA environment and initiates failover when needed in the secondary Region

Figure 1: The backup restore architecture
There are essentially two workflows that work in conjunction to achieve the backup and restore functionality in this architecture. Let’s explore both workflows in detail and the steps as outlined in Figure 1.
Backup workflow
The backup workflow is responsible for periodically taking a backup of your Airflow metadata tables and storing them in the backup S3 bucket. The steps are as follows:
- [1.a] You can deploy the provided solution from your continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. The pipeline includes a DAG deployed to the DAGs S3 bucket, which performs backup of your Airflow metadata. This is the bucket where you host all of your DAGs for your environment.
- [1.b] The solution enables cross-Region replication of the DAGs bucket. Any new changes to the primary Region bucket, including DAG files, plugins, and
files, are replicated to the secondary Region DAGs bucket. However, for existing objects, a one-time replication needs to be performed using S3 Batch Replication. - [1.c] The DAG deployed to take metadata backup runs periodically. The metadata backup doesn’t include some of the auto-generated tables and the list of tables to be backed up is configurable. By default, the solution backs up variable, connection, slot pool, log, job, DAG run, trigger, task instance, and task fail tables. The backup interval is also configurable and should be based on the Recovery Point Objective (RPO), which is the data loss time during a failure that can be sustained by your business.
- [1.d] Similar to the DAGs bucket, the backup bucket is also synced using cross-Region replication, through which the metadata backup becomes available in the secondary Region.
Recovery workflow
The recovery workflow runs periodically in the secondary Region monitoring the primary Amazon MWAA environment. It has two functions:
- Store the environment configuration of the primary Amazon MWAA environment in the secondary backup bucket, which is used to recreate an identical Amazon MWAA environment in the secondary Region during failure
- Perform the failover when a failure is detected
The following are the steps for when the primary Amazon MWAA environment is healthy (see Figure 1):
- [2.a] The Amazon EventBridge scheduler starts the AWS Step Functions workflow on a provided schedule.
- [2.b] The workflow, using AWS Lambda, checks Amazon CloudWatch in the primary Region for the SchedulerHeartbeat metrics of the primary Amazon MWAA environment. The environment in the primary Region sends heartbeats to CloudWatch every 5 seconds by default. However, to not invoke a recovery workflow spuriously, we use a default aggregation period of 5 minutes to check the heartbeat metrics. Therefore, it can take up to 5 minutes to detect a primary environment failure.
- [2.c] Assuming that the heartbeat was detected in 2.b, the workflow makes the cross-Region GetEnvironment call to the primary Amazon MWAA environment.
- [2.d] The response from the
call is stored in the secondary backup S3 bucket to be used in case of a failure in the subsequent iterations of the workflow. This makes sure the latest configuration of your primary environment is used to recreate a new environment in the secondary Region. The workflow completes successfully after storing the configuration.
The following are the steps for the case when the primary environment is unhealthy (see Figure 1):
- [2.a] The EventBridge scheduler starts the Step Functions workflow on a provided schedule.
- [2.b] The workflow, using Lambda, checks CloudWatch in the primary Region for the scheduler heartbeat metrics and detects failure. The scheduler heartbeat check using the CloudWatch API is the recommended approach to detect failure. However, you can implement a custom strategy for failure detection in the Lambda function such as deploying a DAG to periodically send custom metrics to CloudWatch or other data stores as heartbeats and using the function to check that metrics. With the current CloudWatch-based strategy, the unavailability of the CloudWatch API may spuriously invoke the recovery flow.
- [2.c] Skipped
- [2.d] The workflow reads the previously stored environment details from the backup S3 bucket.
- [2.e] The environment details read from the previous step is used to recreate an identical environment in the secondary Region using the CreateEnvironment API call. The API also needs other secondary Region specific configurations such as VPC, subnets, and security groups that are read from the user-supplied configuration file or environment variables during the solution deployment. The workflow in a polling loop waits until the environment becomes available and invokes the DAG to restore metadata from the backup S3 bucket. This DAG is deployed to the DAGs S3 bucket as a part of the solution deployment.
- [2.f] The DAG for restoring metadata completes hydrating the newly created environment and notifies the Step Functions workflow of completion using the task token integration. The new environment now starts running the active workflows and the recovery completes successfully.
Consider the following when using the backup and restore method:
- Recovery Time Objective – From failure detection to workflows running in the secondary Region, failover can take over 30 minutes. This includes new environment creation, Airflow startup, and metadata restore.
- Cost – This strategy avoids the overhead of running a passive environment in the secondary Region. Costs are limited to periodic backup storage, cross-Region data transfer charges, and minimal compute for the recovery workflow.
- Data loss – The RPO depends on the backup frequency. There is a design trade-off to consider here. Although shorter intervals between backups can minimize potential data loss, too frequent backups can adversely affect the performance of the metadata database and consequently the primary Airflow environment. Also, the solution can’t recover an actively running workflow midway. All active workflows are started fresh in the secondary Region based on the provided schedule.
- Ongoing management – The Amazon MWAA environment and dependencies are automatically kept in sync across Regions in this architecture. As specified in the Step 1.b of the backup workflow, the DAGs S3 bucket will need a one-time deployment of the existing resources for the solution to work.
Warm standby architecture
The warm standby strategy involves deploying identical Amazon MWAA environments in two Regions. Periodic metadata backups from the primary Region are used to rehydrate the standby environment in case of failover.
The project uses the AWS CDK and is set up like a standard Python project. Refer to the detailed deployment steps in the README file to deploy it in your own accounts.
The following diagram shows the architecture of the warm standby strategy and its key components:
- Primary Amazon MWAA environment – The environment in the primary Region hosts the workflows during normal operation
- Secondary Amazon MWAA environment – The environment in the secondary Region acts as a warm standby ready to take over at any time
- Metadata backup bucket – The bucket in the primary Region stores periodic backups of Airflow metadata tables
- Replicated backup bucket – The bucket in the secondary Region syncs metadata backups through S3 Cross-Region Replication.
- Backup workflow – This workflow periodically backups up Airflow metadata to the S3 buckets in both Regions
- Recovery workflow – This workflow monitors the primary environment and initiates failover to the secondary environment when needed

Figure 2: The warm standby architecture
Similar to the backup and restore strategy, the backup workflow (Steps 1a–1d) periodically backups up critical Amazon MWAA metadata to S3 buckets in the primary Region, which is synced in the secondary Region.
The recovery workflow runs periodically in the secondary Region monitoring the primary environment. On failure detection, it initiates the failover procedure. The steps are as follows (see Figure 2):
- [2.a] The EventBridge scheduler starts the Step Functions workflow on a provided schedule.
- [2.b] The workflow checks CloudWatch in the primary Region for the scheduler heartbeat metrics and detects failure. If the primary environment is healthy, the workflow completes without further actions.
- [2.c] The workflow invokes the DAG to restore metadata from the backup S3 bucket.
- [2.d] The DAG for restoring metadata completes hydrating the passive environment and notifies the Step Functions workflow of completion using the task token integration. The passive environment starts running the active workflows on the provided schedules.
Because the secondary environment is already warmed up, the failover is faster with recovery times in minutes.
Consider the following when using the warm standby method:
- Recovery Time Objective – With a warm standby ready, the RTO can be as low as 5 minutes. This includes just the metadata restore and reenabling DAGs in the secondary Region.
- Cost – This strategy has an added cost of running similar environments in two Regions at all times. With auto scaling for workers, the warm instance can maintain a minimal footprint; however, the web server and scheduler components of Amazon MWAA will remain active in the secondary environment at all times. The trade-off is significantly lower RTO.
- Data loss – Similar to the backup and restore model, the RPO depends on the backup frequency. Faster backup cycles minimize potential data loss but can adversely affect performance of the metadata database and consequently the primary Airflow environment.
- Ongoing management – This approach comes with some management overhead. Unlike the backup and restore strategy, any changes to the primary environment configurations need to be manually reapplied to the secondary environment to keep the two environments in sync. Automated synchronization of the secondary environment configurations is a future work.
Shared considerations
Although the backup and restore and warm standby strategies differ in their implementation, they share some common considerations:
- Periodically test failover to validate recovery procedures, RTO, and RPO.
- Enable Amazon MWAA environment logging to help debug issues during failover.
- Use the AWS CDK or AWS CloudFormation to manage the infrastructure definition. For more details, see the following GitHub repo or Quick start tutorial for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow, respectively.
- Automate deployments of environment configurations and disaster recovery workflows through CI/CD pipelines.
- Monitor key CloudWatch metrics like
to detect primary environment failures.
In this series, we discussed how backup and restore and warm standby strategies offer configurable data protection based on your RTO, RPO, and cost requirements. Both use periodic metadata replication and restoration to minimize the area of effect of Regional outages.
Which strategy resonates more with your use case? Feel free to try out our solution and share any feedback or questions in the comments section!
About the Authors
Chandan Rupakheti is a Senior Solutions Architect at AWS. His main focus at AWS lies in the intersection of Analytics, Serverless, and AdTech services. He is a passionate technical leader, researcher, and mentor with a knack for building innovative solutions in the cloud. Outside of his professional life, he loves spending time with his family and friends besides listening and playing music.
Parnab Basak is a Senior Solutions Architect and a Serverless Specialist at AWS. He specializes in creating new solutions that are cloud native using modern software development practices like serverless, DevOps, and analytics. Parnab works closely in the analytics and integration services space helping customers adopt AWS services for their workflow orchestration needs.