AWS Big Data Blog

Process and analyze highly nested and large XML files using AWS Glue and Amazon Athena

In today’s digital age, data is at the heart of every organization’s success. One of the most commonly used formats for exchanging data is XML. Analyzing XML files is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, XML files are used in many industries, including finance, healthcare, and government. Analyzing XML files can help organizations gain insights into their data, allowing them to make better decisions and improve their operations. Analyzing XML files can also help in data integration, because many applications and systems use XML as a standard data format. By analyzing XML files, organizations can easily integrate data from different sources and ensure consistency across their systems, However, XML files contain semi-structured, highly nested data, making it difficult to access and analyze information, especially if the file is large and has complex, highly nested schema.

XML files are well-suited for applications, but they may not be optimal for analytics engines. In order to enhance query performance and enable easy access in downstream analytics engines such as Amazon Athena, it’s crucial to preprocess XML files into a columnar format like Parquet. This transformation allows for improved efficiency and usability in analytics workflows. In this post, we show how to process XML data using AWS Glue and Athena.

Solution overview

We explore two distinct techniques that can streamline your XML file processing workflow:

  • Technique 1: Use an AWS Glue crawler and the AWS Glue visual editor – You can use the AWS Glue user interface in conjunction with a crawler to define the table structure for your XML files. This approach provides a user-friendly interface and is particularly suitable for individuals who prefer a graphical approach to managing their data.
  • Technique 2: Use AWS Glue DynamicFrames with inferred and fixed schemas – The crawler has a limitation when it comes to processing a single row in XML files larger than 1 MB. To overcome this restriction, we use an AWS Glue notebook to construct AWS Glue DynamicFrames, utilizing both inferred and fixed schemas. This method ensures efficient handling of XML files with rows exceeding 1 MB in size.

In both approaches, our ultimate goal is to convert XML files into Apache Parquet format, making them readily available for querying using Athena. With these techniques, you can enhance the processing speed and accessibility of your XML data, enabling you to derive valuable insights with ease.


Before you begin this tutorial, complete the following prerequisites (these apply to both techniques):

  1. Download the XML files technique1.xml and technique2.xml.
  2. Upload the files to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. You can upload them to the same S3 bucket in different folders or to different S3 buckets.
  3. Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for your ETL job or notebook as instructed in Set up IAM permissions for AWS Glue Studio.
  4. Add an inline policy to your role with the iam:PassRole action:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": ["iam:PassRole"],
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:iam::*:role/AWSGlueServiceRole*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringLike": {
          "iam:PassedToService": [""]
  1. Add a permissions policy to the role with access to your S3 bucket.

Now that we’re done with the prerequisites, let’s move on to implementing the first technique.

Technique 1: Use an AWS Glue crawler and the visual editor

The following diagram illustrates the simple architecture that you can use to implement the solution.

Processing and Analyzing XML file using AWS Glue and Amazon Athena

To analyze XML files stored in Amazon S3 using AWS Glue and Athena, we complete the following high-level steps:

  1. Create an AWS Glue crawler to extract XML metadata and create a table in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  2. Process and transform XML data into a format (like Parquet) suitable for Athena using an AWS Glue extract, transform, and load (ETL) job.
  3. Set up and run an AWS Glue job via the AWS Glue console or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).
  4. Use the processed data (in Parquet format) with Athena tables, enabling SQL queries.
  5. Use the user-friendly interface in Athena to analyze the XML data with SQL queries on your data stored in Amazon S3.

This architecture is a scalable, cost-effective solution for analyzing XML data on Amazon S3 using AWS Glue and Athena. You can analyze large datasets without complex infrastructure management.

We use the AWS Glue crawler to extract XML file metadata. You can choose the default AWS Glue classifier for general-purpose XML classification. It automatically detects XML data structure and schema, which is useful for common formats.

We also use a custom XML classifier in this solution. It’s designed for specific XML schemas or formats, allowing precise metadata extraction. This is ideal for non-standard XML formats or when you need detailed control over classification. A custom classifier ensures only necessary metadata is extracted, simplifying downstream processing and analysis tasks. This approach optimizes the use of your XML files.

The following screenshot shows an example of an XML file with tags.

Create a custom classifier

In this step, you create a custom AWS Glue classifier to extract metadata from an XML file. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under Crawlers in the navigation pane, choose Classifiers.
  2. Choose Add classifier.
  3. Select XML as the classifier type.
  4. Enter a name for the classifier, such as blog-glue-xml-contact.
  5. For Row tag, enter the name of the root tag that contains the metadata (for example, metadata).
  6. Choose Create.

Create an AWS Glue Crawler to crawl xml file

In this section, we are creating a Glue Crawler to extract the metadata from XML file using the customer classifier created in previous step.

Create a database

  1. Go to the AWS Glue console, choose Databases in the navigation pane.
  2. Click on Add database.
  3. Provide a name such as blog_glue_xml
  4. Choose Create Database

Create a Crawler

Complete the following steps to create your first crawler:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Crawlers in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create crawler.
  3. On the Set crawler properties page, provide a name for the new crawler (such as blog-glue-parquet), then choose Next.
  4. On the Choose data sources and classifiers page, select Not Yet under Data source configuration.
  5. Choose Add a data store.
  6. For S3 path, browse to s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/input/geologicalsurvey/.

Make sure you pick the XML folder rather than the file inside the folder.

  1. Leave the rest of the options as default and choose Add an S3 data source.
  2. Expand Custom classifiers – optional, choose blog-glue-xml-contact, then choose Next and keep the rest of the options as default.
  3. Choose your IAM role or choose Create new IAM role, add the suffix glue-xml-contact (for example, AWSGlueServiceNotebookRoleBlog), and choose Next.
  4. On the Set output and scheduling page, under Output configuration, choose blog_glue_xml for Target database.
  5. Enter console_ as the prefix added to tables (optional) and under Crawler schedule, keep the frequency set to On demand.
  6. Choose Next.
  7. Review all the parameters and choose Create crawler.

Run the Crawler

After you create the crawler, complete the following steps to run it:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Crawlers in the navigation pane.
  2. Open the crawler you created and choose Run.

The crawler will take 1–2 minutes to complete.

  1. When the crawler is complete, choose Databases in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose the database you crated and choose the table name to see the schema extracted by the crawler.

Create an AWS Glue job to convert the XML to Parquet format

In this step, you create an AWS Glue Studio job to convert the XML file into a Parquet file. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Under Create job, select Visual with a blank canvas.
  3. Choose Create.
  4. Rename the job to blog_glue_xml_job.

Now you have a blank AWS Glue Studio visual job editor. On the top of the editor are the tabs for different views.

  1. Choose the Script tab to see an empty shell of the AWS Glue ETL script.

As we add new steps in the visual editor, the script will be updated automatically.

  1. Choose the Job details tab to see all the job configurations.
  2. For IAM role, choose AWSGlueServiceNotebookRoleBlog.
  3. For Glue version, choose Glue 4.0 – Support Spark 3.3, Scala 2, Python 3.
  4. Set Requested number of workers to 2.
  5. Set Number of retries to 0.
  6. Choose the Visual tab to go back to the visual editor.
  7. On the Source drop-down menu, choose AWS Glue Data Catalog.
  8. On the Data source properties – Data Catalog tab, provide the following information:
    1. For Database, choose blog_glue_xml.
    2. For Table, choose the table that starts with the name console_ that the crawler created (for example, console_geologicalsurvey).
  9. On the Node properties tab, provide the following information:
    1. Change Name to geologicalsurvey dataset.
    2. Choose Action and the transformation Change Schema (Apply Mapping).
    3. Choose Node properties and change the name of the transform from Change Schema (Apply Mapping) to ApplyMapping.
    4. On the Target menu, choose S3.
  10. On the Data source properties – S3 tab, provide the following information:
    1. For Format, select Parquet.
    2. For Compression Type, select Uncompressed.
    3. For S3 source type, select S3 location.
    4. For S3 URL, enter s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/output/parquet/.
    5. Choose Node Properties and change the name to Output.
  11. Choose Save to save the job.
  12. Choose Run to run the job.

The following screenshot shows the job in the visual editor.

Create an AWS Gue Crawler to crawl the Parquet file

In this step, you create an AWS Glue crawler to extract metadata from the Parquet file you created using an AWS Glue Studio job. This time, you use the default classifier. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Crawlers in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create crawler.
  3. On the Set crawler properties page, provide a name for the new crawler, such as blog-glue-parquet-contact, then choose Next.
  4. On the Choose data sources and classifiers page, select Not Yet for Data source configuration.
  5. Choose Add a data store.
  6. For S3 path, browse to s3://${BUCKET_NAME}/output/parquet/.

Make sure you pick the parquet folder rather than the file inside the folder.

  1. Choose your IAM role created during the prerequisite section or choose Create new IAM role (for example, AWSGlueServiceNotebookRoleBlog), and choose Next.
  2. On the Set output and scheduling page, under Output configuration, choose blog_glue_xml for Database.
  3. Enter parquet_ as the prefix added to tables (optional) and under Crawler schedule, keep the frequency set to On demand.
  4. Choose Next.
  5. Review all the parameters and choose Create crawler.

Now you can run the crawler, which takes 1–2 minutes to complete.

You can preview the newly created schema for the Parquet file in the AWS Glue Data Catalog, which is similar to the schema of the XML file.

We now possess data that is suitable for use with Athena. In the next section, we perform data queries using Athena.

Query the Parquet file using Athena

Athena doesn’t support querying the XML file format, which is why you converted the XML file into Parquet for more efficient data querying and use dot notation to query complex types and nested structures.

The following example code uses dot notation to query nested data:

FROM "blog_glue_xml"."parquet_parquet" limit 10;

Now that we’ve completed technique 1, let’s move on to learn about technique 2.

Technique 2: Use AWS Glue DynamicFrames with inferred and fixed schemas

In the previous section, we covered the process of handling a small XML file using an AWS Glue crawler to generate a table, an AWS Glue job to convert the file into Parquet format, and Athena to access the Parquet data. However, the crawler encounters limitations when it comes to processing XML files that exceed 1 MB in size. In this section, we delve into the topic of batch processing larger XML files, necessitating additional parsing to extract individual events and conduct analysis using Athena.

Our approach involves reading the XML files through AWS Glue DynamicFrames, employing both inferred and fixed schemas. Then we extract the individual events in Parquet format using the relationalize transformation, enabling us to query and analyze them seamlessly using Athena.

To implement this solution, you complete the following high-level steps:

  1. Create an AWS Glue notebook to read and analyze the XML file.
  2. Use DynamicFrames with InferSchema to read the XML file.
  3. Use the relationalize function to unnest any arrays.
  4. Convert the data to Parquet format.
  5. Query the Parquet data using Athena.
  6. Repeat the previous steps, but this time pass a schema to DynamicFrames instead of using InferSchema.

The electric vehicle population data XML file has a response tag at its root level. This tag contains an array of row tags, which are nested within it. The row tag is an array that contains a set of another row tags, which provide information about a vehicle, including its make, model, and other relevant details. The following screenshot shows an example.

Create an AWS Glue Notebook

To create an AWS Glue notebook, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the AWS Glue Studio console, choose Jobs in the navigation pane.
  2. Select Jupyter Notebook and choose Create.

  1. Enter a name for your AWS Glue job, such as blog_glue_xml_job_Jupyter.
  2. Choose the role that you created in the prerequisites (AWSGlueServiceNotebookRoleBlog).

The AWS Glue notebook comes with a preexisting example that demonstrates how to query a database and write the output to Amazon S3.

  1. Adjust the timeout (in minutes) as shown in the following screenshot and run the cell to create the AWS Glue interactive session.

Create basic Variables

After you create the interactive session, at the end of the notebook, create a new cell with the following variables (provide your own bucket name):

S3_SOURCE_XML_FILE = f's3://{BUCKET_NAME}/xml_dataset/'
S3_TEMP_FOLDER = f's3://{BUCKET_NAME}/temp/'
S3_OUTPUT_INFER_SCHEMA = f's3://{BUCKET_NAME}/infer_schema/'
INFER_SCHEMA_TABLE_NAME = 'infer_schema'
S3_OUTPUT_NO_INFER_SCHEMA = f's3://{BUCKET_NAME}/no_infer_schema/'
NO_INFER_SCHEMA_TABLE_NAME = 'no_infer_schema'
DATABASE_NAME = 'blog_xml'

Read the XML file inferring the schema

If you don’t pass a schema to the DynamicFrame, it will infer the schema of the files. To read the data using a dynamic frame, you can use the following command:

df = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
    connection_options={"paths": [S3_SOURCE_XML_FILE]},
    format_options={"rowTag": "response"},

Print the DynamicFrame Schema

Print the schema with the following code:


The schema shows a nested structure with a row array containing multiple elements. To unnest this structure into lines, you can use the AWS Glue relationalize transformation:

df_relationalized = df.relationalize(
    "root", S3_TEMP_FOLDER

We are only interested in the information contained within the row array, and we can view the schema by using the following command:"root_row.row").printSchema()

The column names contain row.row, which correspond to the array structure and array column in the dataset. We don’t rename the columns in this post; for instructions to do so, refer to Automate dynamic mapping and renaming of column names in data files using AWS Glue: Part 1. Then you can convert the data to Parquet format and create the AWS Glue table using the following command:

s3output = glueContext.getSink(
  catalogDatabase="blog_xml", catalogTableName="jupyter_notebook_with_infer_schema"

AWS Glue DynamicFrame provides features that you can use in your ETL script to create and update a schema in the Data Catalog. We use the updateBehavior parameter to create the table directly in the Data Catalog. With this approach, we don’t need to run an AWS Glue crawler after the AWS Glue job is complete.

Read the XML file by setting a schema

An alternative way to read the file is by predefining a schema. To do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Import the AWS Glue data types:
    from awsglue.gluetypes import *
  2. Create a schema for the XML file:
    schema = StructType([ 
      Field("row", StructType([
        Field("row", ArrayType(StructType([
                Field("_2020_census_tract", LongType()),
                Field("__address", StringType()),
                Field("__id", StringType()),
                Field("__position", IntegerType()),
                Field("__uuid", StringType()),
                Field("base_msrp", IntegerType()),
                Field("cafv_type", StringType()),
                Field("city", StringType()),
                Field("county", StringType()),
                Field("dol_vehicle_id", IntegerType()),
                Field("electric_range", IntegerType()),
                Field("electric_utility", StringType()),
                Field("ev_type", StringType()),
                Field("geocoded_column", StringType()),
                Field("legislative_district", IntegerType()),
                Field("make", StringType()),
                Field("model", StringType()),
                Field("model_year", IntegerType()),
                Field("state", StringType()),
                Field("vin_1_10", StringType()),
                Field("zip_code", IntegerType())
  3. Pass the schema when reading the XML file:
    df = glueContext.create_dynamic_frame.from_options(
        connection_options={"paths": [S3_SOURCE_XML_FILE]},
        format_options={"rowTag": "response", "withSchema": json.dumps(schema.jsonValue())},
  4. Unnest the dataset like before:
    df_relationalized = df.relationalize(
        "root", S3_TEMP_FOLDER
  5. Convert the dataset to Parquet and create the AWS Glue table:
    s3output = glueContext.getSink(
      catalogDatabase="blog_xml", catalogTableName="jupyter_notebook_no_infer_schema"

Query the tables using Athena

Now that we have created both tables, we can query the tables using Athena. For example, we can use the following query:

SELECT * FROM "blog_xml"."jupyter_notebook_no_infer_schema " limit 10;

The following screenshot shows the results.

Clean Up

In this post, we created an IAM role, an AWS Glue Jupyter notebook, and two tables in the AWS Glue Data Catalog. We also uploaded some files to an S3 bucket. To clean up these objects, complete the following steps:

  1. On the IAM console, delete the role you created.
  2. On the AWS Glue Studio console, delete the custom classifier, crawler, ETL jobs, and Jupyter notebook.
  3. Navigate to the AWS Glue Data Catalog and delete the tables you created.
  4. On the Amazon S3 console, navigate to the bucket you created and delete the folders named temp, infer_schema, and no_infer_schema.

Key Takeaways

In AWS Glue, there’s a feature called InferSchema in AWS Glue DynamicFrames. It automatically figures out the structure of a data frame based on the data it contains. In contrast, defining a schema means explicitly stating how the data frame’s structure should be before loading the data.

XML, being a text-based format, doesn’t restrict the data types of its columns. This can cause issues with the InferSchema function. For example, in the first run, a file with column A having a value of 2 results in a Parquet file with column A as an integer. In the second run, a new file has column A with the value C, leading to a Parquet file with column A as a string. Now there are two files on S3, each with a column A of different data types, which can create problems downstream.

The same happens with complex data types like nested structures or arrays. For example, if a file has one tag entry called transaction, it’s inferred as a struct. But if another file has the same tag, it’s inferred as an array

Despite these data type issues, InferSchema is useful when you don’t know the schema or defining one manually is impractical. However, it’s not ideal for large or constantly changing datasets. Defining a schema is more precise, especially with complex data types, but has its own issues, like requiring manual effort and being inflexible to data changes.

InferSchema has limitations, like incorrect data type inference and issues with handling null values. Defining a schema also has limitations, like manual effort and potential errors.

Choosing between inferring and defining a schema depends on the project’s needs. InferSchema is great for quick exploration of small datasets, whereas defining a schema is better for larger, complex datasets requiring accuracy and consistency. Consider the trade-offs and constraints of each method to pick what suits your project best.


In this post, we explored two techniques for managing XML data using AWS Glue, each tailored to address specific needs and challenges you may encounter.

Technique 1 offers a user-friendly path for those who prefer a graphical interface. You can use an AWS Glue crawler and the visual editor to effortlessly define the table structure for your XML files. This approach simplifies the data management process and is particularly appealing to those looking for a straightforward way to handle their data.

However, we recognize that the crawler has its limitations, specifically when dealing with XML files having rows larger than 1 MB. This is where technique 2 comes to the rescue. By harnessing AWS Glue DynamicFrames with both inferred and fixed schemas, and employing an AWS Glue notebook, you can efficiently handle XML files of any size. This method provides a robust solution that ensures seamless processing even for XML files with rows exceeding the 1 MB constraint.

As you navigate the world of data management, having these techniques in your toolkit empowers you to make informed decisions based on the specific requirements of your project. Whether you prefer the simplicity of technique 1 or the scalability of technique 2, AWS Glue provides the flexibility you need to handle XML data effectively.

About the Authors

Navnit Shuklaserves as an AWS Specialist Solution Architect with a focus on Analytics. He possesses a strong enthusiasm for assisting clients in discovering valuable insights from their data. Through his expertise, he constructs innovative solutions that empower businesses to arrive at informed, data-driven choices. Notably, Navnit Shukla is the accomplished author of the book titled “Data Wrangling on AWS.

Patrick Muller works as a Senior Data Lab Architect at AWS. His main responsibility is to assist customers in turning their ideas into a production-ready data product. In his free time, Patrick enjoys playing soccer, watching movies, and traveling.

Amogh Gaikwad is a Senior Solutions Developer at Amazon Web Services. He helps global customers build and deploy AI/ML solutions on AWS. His work is mainly focused on computer vision, and natural language processing and helping customers optimize their AI/ML workloads for sustainability. Amogh has received his master’s in Computer Science specializing in Machine Learning.

Sheela Sonone is a Senior Resident Architect at AWS. She helps AWS customers make informed choices and tradeoffs about accelerating their data, analytics, and AI/ML workloads and implementations. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family – usually on tennis courts.