AWS Big Data Blog

Run Apache Spark with Amazon EMR on EKS backed by Amazon FSx for Lustre storage

September 2023: This post was reviewed and updated for accuracy to reflect recent improvements and changes.

Traditionally, Spark workloads have been run on a dedicated setup like a Hadoop stack with YARN or MESOS as a resource manager. Starting from Apache Spark 2.3, Spark added support for Kubernetes as a resource manager. The new Kubernetes scheduler natively supports the submission of Spark jobs to a Kubernetes cluster. Spark on Kubernetes provides simpler administration, better developer experience, easier dependency management with containers, a fine-grained security layer, and optimized resource allocation. As a result, Spark on Kubernetes gained a lot of traction for high-performance and cost-effective ways of running big data and machine learning (ML) workloads.

In AWS, we offer a managed service, Amazon EMR on EKS, to run your Apache Spark workloads on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) . This service uses the Amazon EMR runtime for Apache Spark, which increases the performance of your Spark jobs so that they run faster and cost less. EMR on EKS lets you run Spark applications alongside other application types on the same Amazon EKS cluster to improve resource utilization. In addition, EMR on EKS integrates with Amazon EMR Studio for authoring jobs and the Apache Spark UI for debugging out of the box to simplify infrastructure management.

For storage, EMR on EKS supports node ephemeral storage using hostPath where the storage is attached to individual nodes, and an Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume per executor/driver pod using dynamic Persistent Volume Claims. However, some Spark users are looking for an HDFS-like shared file system to handle specific workloads like time-sensitive applications or streaming analytics. HDFS is best suited for jobs that require highly interactive speed for a large number of files with random access reads, atomic rename operations, and sequential metadata requests.

Amazon FSx for Lustre is a fully managed shared storage option built on the world’s most popular high-performance file system. It offers highly scalable, cost-effective storage, which provides sub-millisecond latencies, millions of IOPS, and throughput of hundreds of gigabytes per second. Its popular use cases include high-performance computing (HPC), financial modeling, video rendering, and machine learning. FSx for Lustre supports two types of deployments:

  • Scratch file systems – These are designed for temporary or short-term storage where the data is not needed to replicate or persist if a file server fails
  • Persistent file systems – These are suitable for long-term storage where the file server is highly available and the data is replicated within the Availability Zone

As an out-of-the-box feature, both deployment types support the automated data sync between the mounted file system and an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, which helps you offload large volumes of cold and warm data for a better cost-efficient design. Additionally, the file system data can be synced to Amazon S3, which it makes the Multi-AZ or multi-Region failover feasible via Amazon S3 when resiliency and availability are critical for businesses.

This post demonstrates how to use EMR on EKS to submit Spark jobs with FSx for Lustre as the storage. It can be mounted on Spark driver and executor pods through static and dynamic PersistentVolumeClaims methods.

Static vs. dynamic provisioning

With static provisioning, the FSx for Lustre file system and PersistentVolume (PV) must be created in advance. The following diagram illustrates the static provisioning architecture. The Spark application driver and executor pods refer to an existing static PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) to mount the FSx for Lustre file system.

Unlike static provisioning, the FSx for Lustre file system and PV doesn’t need to be pre-created for dynamic provisioning. As shown in the following diagram, the FSx for Lustre CSI driver plugin is deployed to an Amazon EKS cluster to dynamically provision the FSx for Lustre file system with a given PVC. Dynamic provisioning only requires a PVC and the corresponding storage class. After the PVC is created in Kubernetes, the FSx for Lustre CSI driver identifies the storage class and creates the requested file system.

The Spark application driver and executor pods in the architecture refer to an existing dynamic PVC to mount the FSx for Lustre file system.

Solution overview

In this post, you provision the following resources with Amazon EKS Blueprints for Terraform to run Spark jobs using EMR on EKS:


Before you build the entire infrastructure, you must have the following prerequisites:

Now you’re ready to deploy the solution.

Clone the GitHub repo

Open your terminal window, change to the home directory, and clone the GitHub repo:

cd ~
git clone

Then, navigate to the following:

cd ~/data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter

Enable FSx for Lustre storage while running the Spark application for storing shuffle files or accessing data from Amazon S3. You can install the FSx CSI driver by searching for FSx in, then edit the file and save changes:

variable "enable_fsx_for_lustre" {

description = "Deploys fsx for lustre addon, storage class and static FSx for Lustre filesystem for EMR"

type = bool

default = true


Deploy the resources

Set the AWS Region in where you want to deploy your AWS resources:

variable "region" {

description = "Region"

default = "<enter-your-region>"

type = string


Run from the emr-eks-karpenter folder, which deploys AWS services in the Region selected:


This deployment may take up to 30 minutes to create all the resources.

Verify the resources

Verify the Amazon EKS cluster created by the deployment. This following command displays the cluster details in JSON format:

aws eks describe-cluster --name emr-eks-karpenter

Let’s create a kubeconfig file for the EKS cluster with the following command. This command creates a new cluster context entry with certificate authority data under ~/.kube/config to authenticate with the EKS cluster:

aws eks --region <ENTER_YOUR_REGION> update-kubeconfig --name emr-eks-karpenter

Verify the managed node groups:

aws eks list-nodegroups -–cluster-name emr-eks-karpenter --region <ENTER_YOUR_REGION>

The output should show the core node group:

    "nodegroups": [

List the pods created by the FSx for Lustre CSI driver. The following command shows two controllers and an fsx-csi-node daemonset pod for each node:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep fsx

List the namespace created for emr-data-team-a:

kubectl get ns | grep emr-data-team-a

The output will display the active namespace.

List the FSx storage class, PV, and PVCs created by this deployment. You may notice that fsx-dynamic-pvc is in Pending status because this dynamic PVC is still creating the FSx for Lustre file system. The dynamic PV status changed to Bound after the file system was created.

#FSx Storage Class
kubectl get storageclasses | grep fsx

fsx         Delete          Immediate              false       199s

# Output of static persistent volume with name fsx-static-pv
kubectl get pv | grep fsx

fsx-static-pv                              1000Gi     RWX            Recycle          Bound    emr-data-team-a/fsx-static-pvc       fsx

# Output of static persistent volume claim with name fsx-static-pvc and fsx-dynamic-pvc
kubectl get pvc -n emr-data-team-a | grep fsx
fsx-dynamic-pvc   Pending                                             fsx            4m56s
fsx-static-pvc    Bound     fsx-static-pv   1000Gi     RWX            fsx            4m56s

Log in to the FSx for Lustre console and verify the two file systems created by this deployment:

  • The first file system (emr-eks-fsx-lustre-static) is a persistent file system created with the Terraform resource
  • The second file system (fs-0e77adf20acb4028f) is created by the FSx for Lustre CSI driver dynamically with a dynamic PVC manifest

In this demo, we learn how to use a statically provisioned FSx for Lustre file system and dynamically provisioned FSx for Lustre file system in EMR on EKS Spark jobs.

Static provisioning

You can create an FSx for Lustre file system using the AWS CLI or any infrastructure as code (IaC) tool. In this example, we used Terraform to create the FSx for Lustre file system with deployment type as PERSISTENT_2. For static provisioning, we must create the FSx for Lustre file system first, followed by the PV and PVCs. After we create all three resources, we can mount the FSx for Lustre file system on a Spark driver and executor pod.

We use the following Terraform code snippet in the deployment to create the FSx for Lustre file system (2400 GB) and the file system association with the S3 bucket for import and export under the /data file system path. Note that this resource refers to a single subnet (single Availability Zone) for creating an FSx for Lustre file system. However, the Spark pods can use this file system across all Availability Zones, unlike the EBS volume, which is Availability Zone specific. In addition, the FSx for Lustre association with the S3 bucket creates a file system directory called /data. The Spark job driver and executor pod templates use this /data directory as a spark-local-dir for scratch space.

# New FSx for Lustre filesystem
resource "aws_fsx_lustre_file_system" "this" {
deployment_type             = "PERSISTENT_2"
storage_type                = "SSD"
per_unit_storage_throughput = "500"
storage_capacity            = 2400

subnet_ids         = [module.vpc.private_subnets[0]]
security_group_ids = []
log_configuration {
level = "WARN_ERROR"
tags = merge({ "Name" : "${}-static" }, local.tags)

# S3 bucket association with FSx for Lustre filesystem
resource "aws_fsx_data_repository_association" "example" {
file_system_id       =
data_repository_path = "s3://${}"
file_system_path     = "/data" # This directory will be used in Spark podTemplates under volumeMounts as subPath

s3 {
auto_export_policy {
events = ["NEW", "CHANGED", "DELETED"]

auto_import_policy {
events = ["NEW", "CHANGED", "DELETED"]

Persistent Volume

The following YAML template shows the definition of the PV created by this deployment. For example, running the command kubectl edit pv fsx-static-pv -n kube-system displays the manifest. PVs are a cluster scoped resource; therefore, no namespace is defined in the template. The DevOps or cluster admin teams typically create this.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: fsx-static-pv
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1000Gi
claimRef:  # PV Claimed by fsx-static-pvc
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: fsx-static-pvc
namespace: emr-data-team-a
resourceVersion: "5731"
uid: 9110afc4-c605-440e-b022-190904866f0c
dnsname: # FSx DNS Name
mountname: fz5jzbmv
volumeHandle: fs-0a85fd096ef3f0089
- flock
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Recycle

Persistent Volume Claim

The following YAML template shows the definition of the PVC created by this deployment. For example, running the command kubectl edit pvc fsx-static-pvc -n emr-data-team-a shows the deployed resource.

PVCs are namespace-specific resources typically created by the developers. The emr-data-team-a namespace is defined in the template.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: fsx-static-pvc
namespace: emr-data-team-a
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1000Gi
storageClassName: fsx
volumeMode: Filesystem
volumeName: fsx-static-pv
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1000Gi
phase: Bound

Now that we have set up the static FSx for Lustre file system, we can use the PVC in EMR on EKS Spark jobs with pod templates. Key things to note in the template are that the volumes section in the following code is defined as persistentVolumeClaim with the claim name as fsx-static-pvc, and the containers section refers to the unique mountPath folder /static. We also use initContainers in the driver pod template to give correct permissions and ownership to the Hadoop users to be used by EMR on EKS driver executor pods. Finally, notice that data in the subPath is associated with the S3 bucket sync in the preceding Terraform resource.

We use the following driver pod template:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod


name: fsx-taxi-driver

namespace: emr-data-team-a



- name: spark-local-dir-1


claimName: fsx-static-pvc # Static PVC created by this example using kubectl apply


NodeGroupType: SparkComputeOptimized


- name: spark-kubernetes-driver # Don't change this name. EMR on EKS looking for this name


- name: spark-local-dir-1

mountPath: /static

subPath: data # sub folder created in fsx file system and mapped to s3 bucket sync and export

readOnly: false


- name: spark-init-container-driver # Don't change this name. EMR on EKS looking for this name



- name: spark-local-dir-1

mountPath: /static

command: ["sh", "-c", "chmod -R 777 /static", "chown -hR +999:+1000 /static/data"]


- key: "spark-compute-optimized"

operator: "Exists"

effect: "NoSchedule"

The executor pod template also refers to the same persistentVolumeClaim as fsx-static-pvc and volumeMounts with mountPath as /static. Notice that we don’t use the initContainers section in this template because the required permissions for the file system directory /static/data have been applied by the driver processes already. Because it’s a shared file system, the same permissions apply to the executor process as well.

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: fsx-taxi-exec

namespace: emr-data-team-a



- name: spark-local-dir-1


claimName: fsx-static-pvc # Static PVC pre-created by this example terraform template


NodeGroupType: SparkComputeOptimized


- name: spark-kubernetes-executor # Don't change this name. EMR on EKS looking for this name


- name: spark-local-dir-1

mountPath: /static

subPath: data # sub folder created in fsx file system and mapped to s3 bucket sync and export

readOnly: false


- key: "spark-compute-optimized"

operator: "Exists"

effect: "NoSchedule"

Let’s run the sample PySpark script using the preceding pod templates. Navigate to the examples/fsx-for-lustre directory and run the shell script (

cd ~/data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/fsx-for-lustre/fsx-static-pvc-shuffle-storage

This shell script expects three input values. EMR_VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID and EMR_JOB_EXECUTION_ROLE_ARN can be extracted from the Terraform output values. Additionally, you create an S3 bucket with required permissions. This S3 bucket stores the sample PySpark scripts, pod templates, input and output data generated by this shell script, and the Spark job. Check out the shell script for more details.

Enter EMR Virtual Cluster AWS Region: <REGION>

Enter the EMR Virtual Cluster ID: # Terraform output variable: virtual_cluster_id

Enter the EMR Execution Role ARN: # Terraform output variable: job_execution_role_arn

Enter the CloudWatch Log Group name: # Terraform output variable: cloudwatch_log_group_name

Enter the S3 Bucket for storing PySpark Scripts, Pod Templates and Input data. For e.g., s3://<bucket-name>: # Terraform output variable: fsx_s3_bucket_name

Let’s run the shell script. This job takes approximately 6 minutes by two executors, which processes 40 objects with a total size of 1.4 GB. Each object is around 36.4 MB. You can adjust the number of objects from 40 to any large number to process a large amount of data. This shell script downloads the public dataset (NY Taxi Trip Data) locally in your disk and uploads it to the S3 bucket using Amazon S3 sync. PySpark jobs read the data from the S3 buckets, apply GroupBy on a few fields, and write back to the S3 bucket to demonstrate the shuffling activity.


Enter responses in-line based on terraform output for emr-data-team-a

You can run the following queries to monitor the Spark job and the usage of the FSx for Lustre file system mounted on the driver and executor pods. Verify the job run events with the following command:

kubectl get pods --namespace=emr-data-team-a -w

You will notice one job object pod, a driver pod, and two executor pods. The Spark executor instances count can be updated in the Shell script.

You can also query to monitor the usage of FSx for Lustre mounted file system size. The following command shows the size of the mounted file system growth during the test run:

# Verify the used FSx for Lustre filesystem disk size with executor1
kubectl exec -ti ny-taxi-trip-static-exec-1 -c spark-kubernetes-executor -n emr-data-team-a — df -h

# Verify the files created under /static/data FSx mount
kubectl exec -ti ny-taxi-trip-static-exec-1 -c spark-kubernetes-executor -n emr-data-team-a — ls -lah /static

# Verify the file sync from FSx to S3 bucket.

The following screenshot shows the output for the preceding commands. The files under the executor are the same as those under the S3 bucket. These files are the same because the S3 sync feature is enabled in the FSx for Lustre file system. This test uses the FSx for Lustre file system for scratch space, so the shuffle files will be deleted from the FSx for Lustre file system and S3 bucket when the test is complete.

This PySpark job is writing the aggregated and repartition output directly to an S3 bucket location. Instead, you can choose to write to the FSx for Lustre file system path, which syncs to an S3 bucket eventually. The FSx for Lustre file system provides low latency, high throughput, and high IOPS for reading and writing data by multiple Spark Jobs. In addition, the data stored in FSx disk is synced to an S3 bucket for durable storage.

You can monitor the FSx for Lustre file system using Amazon CloudWatch metrics. The following time series graph shows the average stats with a period of 30 seconds.

When the Spark job is complete, you can verify the results in the Spark Web UI from the EMR on EKS console.

You can also verify the FSx for Lustre file system data sync to an S3 bucket.

Dynamic provisioning

So far, we have looked at an FSx for Lustre statically provisioned file system example and its usage with Spark jobs.

We can also provision an FSx for Lustre file system on-demand using the FSx for Lustre CSI driver and Persistent Volume Claim. Whenever you create a PVC with a dynamic volume referring to an FSx storage class, the FSx for Lustre CSI driver automatically provisions the FSx for Lustre file system and the corresponding Persistent Volume. Admin teams (DevOps) are responsible for deploying the FSx for Lustre CSI driver and FSx storage class, and the developers and data engineers (DataOps) are responsible for deploying the PVC, which refers to the FSx storage class.

The following storage class is deployed to Amazon EKS by this Terraform deployment. This dynamic PVC example doesn’t use the Amazon S3 backup association. You can still do that, but it requires an Amazon S3 config in the storage class manifest. Check out Dynamic Provisioning with Data Repository to configure the FSx storage class with the S3 import/export path with the choice of deployment type (SCRATCH_1, SCRATCH_2, and PERSISTENT_1). We have also created a dedicated security group used in this manifest. For more information, refer to File System Access Control with Amazon VPC.

kind: StorageClass
name: fsx
securityGroupIds: sg-0c8a656a0bbb17fe2
subnetId: subnet-03cb3d850193b907b
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate

The following YAML template shows the definition of the dynamic PVC used in this deployment. Running the command kubectl edit pvc fsx-dynamic-pvc -n emr-data-team-a shows the deployed resource. PVCs are namespace-specific resources typically created by the developers, therefore we define the emr-data-team-a namespace.

Spark can dynamically provision the PVC with claimName using SparkConf (for example, However, we recommend deploying the PVC before the start of Spark jobs to avoid delays to provision the FSx for Lustre file system during the job run. The FSx for Lustre file system takes approximately 10–12 minutes to complete.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: fsx-dynamic-pvc
namespace: emr-data-team-a
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 2000Gi
storageClassName: fsx # PVC reference to Storage class created by Terraform
volumeMode: Filesystem
volumeName: pvc-0da5a625-03ba-48fa-b08e-3f74291c0e5e # Dynamically created Persistent Volume
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 2400Gi
phase: Bound

Now that we have set up the dynamic FSx for Lustre file system, we can use this in EMR on EKS Spark jobs using pod templates. Key things to note in the following template are that the volumes section is defined as persistentVolumeClaim with the claim name as fsx-dynamic-pvc, and the containers section refers to the unique mountPath folder as /dynamic. We also use initContainers in the driver pod template to give correct permissions and ownership to the Hadoop users to be used by EMR on EKS driver executor processes.

The following is our driver pod template:

# NOTE: PVC created before the start of the Spark job to avoid waiting for 15 mins to create FSx for Lustre filesystem while the job is running
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: fsx-taxi-driver
namespace: emr-data-team-a # Namespace used to submit the jobs
- name: spark-local-dir-ny-taxi
claimName: fsx-dynamic-pvc  # Dynamic PVC pre-created by this example terraform template

NodeGroupType: spark

- name: spark-kubernetes-driver
- name: spark-local-dir-ny-taxi
mountPath: /dynamic # FSx SCRATCH_1 filesystem for executors scratch space
readOnly: false
initContainers:  # initContainer only used in Driver to set the permissions for dynamically created filesystem.
- name: spark-init-container-driver
- name: spark-local-dir-ny-taxi
mountPath: /dynamic # FSx Scratch 1 filesystem for executors scratch space
command: ["sh", "-c", "chmod 777 /dynamic", "chown -hR +999:+1000 /dynamic"]

The executor pod template also refers to the same persistentVolumeClaim as fsx-dynamic-pvc and volumeMounts with mountPath as /dynamic:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: fsx-taxi-exec
namespace: emr-data-team-a
- name: spark-local-dir-ny-taxi
claimName: fsx-dynamic-pvc  # Dynamic PVC pre-created by this example terraform template

NodeGroupType: spark

- name: spark-kubernetes-executor # Don't change this name. EMR on EKS looking for this name
- name: spark-local-dir-ny-taxi
mountPath: /dynamic  # FSx Scratch 1 filesystem for executor’s scratch space
readOnly: false

Let’s run the sample PySpark script using the preceding pod templates. Navigate to the examples/fsx-for-lustre/fsx-dynamic-pvc-shuffle-storage directory and run the shell script ( This script is the same as the static provisioning example; the only difference is the pod templates, which refer to the dynamic volumes.

cd ~/data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter/examples/fsx-for-lustre/fsx-dynamic-pvc-shuffle-storage

This shell script expects three input values: virtual Cluster, AWS Region, EMR Virtual Cluster ID,EMR Execution Role ARN, and CloudWatch Log Group name,S3 Bucket. Use the same values used in the previous static provisioning example.

Let’s run the shell script:


After the job is triggered, run the following commands to see the output of the job:

# Output of dynamic persistent volume claim fsx-dynamic-pvc
kubectl get pvc -n emr-data-team-a | grep fsx-dynamic-pvc

# Verify the used FSx for Lustre filesystem disk size with executor1
kubectl exec -ti ny-taxi-trip-dynamic-exec-1 -c spark-kubernetes-executor -n emr-data-team-a — df -h

# Verify the files created under /dynamic FSx mount
kubectl exec -ti ny-taxi-trip-dynamic-exec-1 -c spark-kubernetes-executor -n emr-data-team-a — ls -lah /dynamic

The following screenshot shows the file system mounted under the /dynamic path. We can also see the Spark shuffle files created in the /dynamic folder.

Clean up

To clean up your environment, destroy the Terraform modules in reverse order. Then, empty any S3 buckets created by this module and run the following commands:

cd ~/data-on-eks/analytics/terraform/emr-eks-karpenter


Furthermore, log in to the AWS Management Console and delete any S3 buckets or FSX for Lustre file systems created by this deployment to avoid unwanted charges to your AWS account.


In this post, we demonstrated how to mount an FSx for Lustre file system as a PVC to Spark applications with EMR on EKS. We showed two mounting methods: static provisioning and dynamic provisioning via the FSx for Lustre CSI driver. The HDFS-like storage can be used by Spark on a Kubernetes pattern to achieve optimal storage performance. You can use it either as a temporary scratch space to store intermediate data while processing, or as a shared, persistent file system to exchange data for multiple pods in a single job or between multiple Spark jobs.

If you want to try out the full solution or for more EMR on EKS examples, check out our open-sourced project on GitHub.

About the authors

Vara Bonthu is a Principal Solutions Architect focused on data analytics and containers working with Strategic Accounts. He is passionate about open source, big data, and Kubernetes, and has a substantial development, DevOps, and architecture background.

Karthik Prabhakar is a Senior Analytics Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. He is an experienced analytics engineer working with AWS customers to provide best practices and technical advice in order to assist their success in their data journey.

Melody Yang is a Senior Analytics Architect for Amazon EMR at AWS. She is an experienced analytics leader working with AWS customers to provide best practice guidance and technical advice in order to assist their success in data transformation. Her areas of interests are open-source frameworks and automation, data engineering, and DataOps.