AWS Big Data Blog

Tag: Machine Learning

Real-time inference using deep learning within Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink

August 30, 2023: Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics has been renamed to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. Read the announcement in the AWS News Blog and learn more. Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over data streams. Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink is a fully managed service that […]

Build machine learning-powered business intelligence analyses using Amazon QuickSight

Imagine you can see the future—to know how many customers will order your product months ahead of time so you can make adequate provisions, or to know how many of your employees will leave your organization several months in advance so you can take preemptive actions to encourage staff retention. For an organization that sees […]

Decreasing Game Churn: How Upopa used ironSource Atom and Amazon ML to Engage Users

This is a guest post by Tom Talpir, Software Developer at ironSource. ironSource is as an Advanced AWS Partner Network (APN) Technology Partner and an AWS Big Data Competency Partner. Ever wondered what it takes to keep a user from leaving your game or application after all the hard work you put in? Wouldn’t it be great […]

Powering Amazon Redshift Analytics with Apache Spark and Amazon Machine Learning

Air travel can be stressful due to the many factors that are simply out of airline passengers’ control. As passengers, we want to minimize this stress as much as we can. We can do this by using past data to make predictions about how likely a flight will be delayed based on the time of […]

Serving Real-Time Machine Learning Predictions on Amazon EMR

The typical progression for creating and using a trained model for recommendations falls into two general areas: training the model and hosting the model. Model training has become a well-known standard practice. We want to highlight one of many ways to host those recommendations (for example, see the Analyzing Genomics Data at Scale using R, […]

Building a Binary Classification Model with Amazon Machine Learning and Amazon Redshift

Guy Ernest is a Solutions Architect with AWS This post builds on Guy’s earlier posts Building a Numeric Regression Model with Amazon Machine Learning and Building a Multi-Class ML Model with Amazon Machine Learning. Many decisions in life are binary, answered either Yes or No. Many business problems also have binary answers. For example: “Is […]

Building a Multi-Class ML Model with Amazon Machine Learning

Guy Ernest is a Solutions Architect with AWS This post builds on our earlier post Building a Numeric Regression Model with Amazon Machine Learning. We often need to assign an object (product, article, or customer) to its class (product category, article topic or type, or customer segment). For example, which category of products is most […]

Building a Numeric Regression Model with Amazon Machine Learning

Guy Ernest is a Solutions Architect with AWS We need to predict future values in our businesses. These predictions are important for better planning of resource allocation and making other business decisions. Often, we settle for a simplified heuristic of average values from the past and some change assumption because more accurate alternatives are too […]