AWS Compute Blog

Access Private applications on AWS Fargate using Amazon API Gateway PrivateLink

This post is contributed by Mani Chandrasekaran | Solutions Architect, AWS


Customers would like to run container-based applications in a private subnet inside a virtual private cloud (VPC), where there is no direct connectivity from the outside world to these applications. This is a very secure way of running applications which do not want to be directly exposed to the internet.

AWS Fargate is a compute engine for Amazon ECS that enables you to run containers without having to manage servers or clusters. With AWS Fargate with Amazon ECS, you don’t have to provision, configure, and scale clusters of virtual machines to run containers.

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. The API Gateway private integration makes it simple to expose your HTTP and HTTPS resources behind a virtual private cloud (VPC) with Amazon VPC private endpoints. This allows access by clients outside of the VPC without exposing the resources to the internet.

This post shows how API Gateway can be used to expose an application running on Fargate in a private subnet in a VPC using API Gateway private integration through AWS PrivateLink. With the API Gateway private integration, you can enable access to HTTP and HTTPS resources in a VPC without detailed knowledge of private network configurations or technology-specific appliances.



You deploy a simple NGINX application running on Fargate within a private subnet as a first step, and then expose this NGINX application to the internet using the API.

As shown in the architecture in the following diagram, you create a VPC with two private subnets and two public subnets. To enable the Fargate tasks to download Docker images from Amazon ECR, you deploy two network address translation (NAT) gateways in the public subnets.

You also deploy a container application, NGINX, as an ECS service with one or more Fargate tasks running inside the private subnets. You provision an internal Network Load Balancer in the VPC private subnets and target the ECS service running as Fargate tasks. This is provisioned using an AWS CloudFormation template (link provided later in this post).

The integration between API Gateway and the Network Load Balancer inside the private subnet uses an API Gateway VpcLink resource. The VpcLink encapsulates connections between the API and targeted VPC resources when the application is hosted on Fargate. You set up an API with the private integration by creating a VpcLink that targets the Network Load Balancer and then uses the VpcLink as an integration endpoint .




Here are the steps to deploy this solution:

  1. Deploy an application on Fargate.
  2. Set up an API Gateway private integration.
  3. Deploy and test the API.
  4. Clean up resources to avoid incurring future charges.


Step 1 — Deploy an application on AWS Fargate
I’ve created an AWS CloudFormation template to make it easier for you to get started.

  1. Get the AWS CloudFormation template.
  2. In the AWS Management Console, deploy the CloudFormation template in an AWS Region where Fargate and API Gateway are available.
  3. On the Create stack page, specify the parameters specific to your environment. Or, use the default parameters, which deploy an NGINX Docker image as a Fargate task in an ECS cluster across two Availability Zones.

When the process is finished, the status changes to CREATE_COMPLETE and the details of the Network Load Balancer, VPC, subnets, and ECS cluster name appear on the Outputs tab.


Step 2 — Set up an API Gateway Private Integration
Next, set up an API Gateway API with private integrations using the AWS CLI and specify the AWS Region in all the AWS CLI commands.

1. Create a VPCLink in API Gateway with the ARN of the Network Load Balancer that you provisioned. Make sure that you specify the correct endpoint URL and Region based on the AWS Region that you selected for the CloudFormation template. Run the following command:

aws apigateway create-vpc-link \
--name fargate-nlb-private-link \
--target-arns arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-south-1:xxx:loadbalancer/net/Farga-Netwo-XX/xx \
--endpoint-url \
--region ap-south-1

The command immediately returns the following response, acknowledges the receipt of the request, and shows the PENDING status for the new VpcLink:

    "id": "alnXXYY",
    "name": "fargate-nlb-private-link",
    "targetArns": [
        " arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:ap-south-1:xxx:loadbalancer/net/Farga-Netwo-XX/xx"
    "status": "PENDING"

It takes 2–4 minutes for API Gateway to create the VpcLink. When the operation finishes successfully, the status changes to AVAILABLE.


2. To verify that the VpcLink was successfully created, run the following command:

aws apigateway get-vpc-link --vpc-link-id alnXXYY --region ap-south-1

When the VpcLink status is AVAILABLE, you can create the API and integrate it with the VPC resource through the VpcLink.


3. To set up an API, run the following command to create an API Gateway RestApi resource

aws apigateway create-rest-api --name 'API Gateway VPC Link NLB Fargate Test' --region ap-south-1

    "id": "qc83xxxx",
    "name": "API Gateway VPC Link NLB Fargate Test",
    "createdDate": 1547703133,
    "apiKeySource": "HEADER",
    "endpointConfiguration": {
        "types": [

Find the ID value of the RestApi in the returned result. In this example, it is qc83xxxx. Use this ID to finish the operations on the API, including methods and integrations setup.


4. In this example, you create an API with only a GET method on the root resource (/) and integrate the method with the VpcLink.

Set up the GET / method. First, get the identifier of the root resource (/):

aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id qc83xxxx --region ap-south-1

In the output, find the ID value of the / path. In this example, it is mq165xxxx.


5. Set up the method request for the API method of GET /:

aws apigateway put-method \
       --rest-api-id qc83xxxx \
       --resource-id mq165xxxx \
       --http-method GET \
       --authorization-type "NONE" --region ap-south-1

6. Set up the private integration of the HTTP_PROXY type and call the put-integration command:

aws apigateway put-integration \
--rest-api-id qc83xxxx \
--resource-id mq165xxxx \
--uri '' \
--http-method GET \
--type HTTP_PROXY \
--integration-http-method GET \
--connection-type VPC_LINK \
--connection-id alnXXYY --region ap-south-1

For a private integration, you must set connection-type to VPC_LINK and set connection-id to the VpcLink identifier, alnXXYY in this example. The URI parameter is not used to route requests to your endpoint, but is used to set the host header and for certificate validation.


Step 3 — Deploy and test the API

To test the API, run the following command to deploy the API:

aws apigateway create-deployment \
--rest-api-id qc83xxxx \
--stage-name test \
--variables vpcLinkId= alnXXYY --region ap-south-1

Test the APIs with tools such as Postman or the curl command. To call a deployed API, you must submit requests to the URL for the API Gateway component service for API execution, known as execute-api.

The base URL for REST APIs is in this format:


Replace {restapi_id} with the API identifier, {region} with the Region, and {stage_name} with the stage name of the API deployment.

To test the API with curl, run the following command:

curl -X GET

The curl response should be the NGINX home page.

To test the API with Postman, place the Invoke URL into Postman and choose GET as the method. Choose Send.

The returned result (the NGINX home page) appears.

For more information, see Use Postman to Call a REST API.


Step 4 — Clean up resources

After you finish your deployment test, make sure to delete the following resources to avoid incurring future charges.

1. Delete the REST API created in the API Gateway and Amazon VPC endpoint services using the console.
Or, in the AWS CLI, run the following command:

aws apigateway delete-rest-api --rest-api-id qc83xxxx --region ap-south-1

aws apigateway delete-vpc-link --vpc-link-id alnXXYY --region ap-south-1

2. To delete the Fargate-related resources created in CloudFormation, in the console, choose Delete Stack.



API Gateway private endpoints enable use cases for building private API–based services running on Fargate inside your own VPCs. You can take advantage of advanced features of API Gateway, such as custom authorizers, Amazon Cognito User Pools integration, usage tiers, throttling, deployment canaries, and API keys. At the same time, you can make sure the APIs or applications running in Fargate are not exposed to the internet.