Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling will no longer add support for new EC2 features to Launch Configurations
This post is written by Scott Horsfield, Principal Solutions Architect, EC2 Scalability and Surabhi Agarwal, Sr. Product Manager, EC2.
In 2010, AWS released launch configurations as a way to define the parameters of instances launched by EC2 Auto Scaling groups. In 2017, AWS released launch templates, the successor of launch configurations, as a way to streamline and simplify the launch process for Auto Scaling, Spot Fleet, Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, and On-Demand Instances. Launch templates define the steps required to create an instance, by capturing instance parameters in a resource that can be used across multiple services. Launch configurations have continued to live alongside launch templates but haven’t benefitted from all of the features we’ve added to launch templates.
Today, AWS is recommending that customers using launch configurations migrate to launch templates. We will continue to support and maintain launch configurations, but we will not be adding any new features to them. We will focus on adding new EC2 features to launch templates only. You can continue using launch configurations, and AWS is committed to supporting applications you have already built using them, but in order for you to take advantage of our most recent and upcoming releases, a migration to launch templates is recommended. Additionally, we plan to no longer support new instance types with launch configurations by the end of 2022. Our goal is to have all customers moved over to launch templates by then.
Moving to launch templates is simple to accomplish and can be done easily today. In this blog, we provide more details on how you can transition from launch configurations to launch templates. If you are unable to transition to launch templates due to lack of tooling or specific functions, or have any concerns, please contact AWS Support.
Launch templates vs. launch configurations
Launch configurations have been a part of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Groups since 2010. Customers use launch configurations to define Auto Scaling group configurations that include AMI and instance type definition. In 2017, AWS released launch templates, which reduce the number of steps required to create an instance by capturing all launch parameters within one resource that can be used across multiple services. Since then, AWS has released many new features such as Mixed Instance Policies with Auto Scaling groups, Targeted Capacity Reservations, and unlimited mode for burstable performance instances that only work with launch templates.
Launch templates provide several key benefits to customers, when compared to launch configurations, that can improve the availability and optimization of the workloads you host in Auto Scaling groups and allow you to access the full set of EC2 features when launching instances in an Auto Scaling group.
Some of the key benefits of launch templates when used with Auto Scaling groups include:
- Support for multiple instance types and purchase options in a single Auto Scaling group.
- Launching Spot Instances with the capacity-optimized allocation strategy.
- Support for launching instances into existing Capacity Reservations through an Auto Scaling group.
- Support for unlimited mode for burstable performance instances.
- Support for Dedicated Hosts.
- Combining CPU architectures such as Intel, AMD, and ARM (Graviton2)
- Improved governance through IAM controls and versioning.
- Automating instance deployment with Instance Refresh.
How to determine where you are using launch configurations
Use the Launch Configuration Inventory Script to find all of the launch configurations in your account. You can use this script to generate an inventory of launch configurations across all regions in a single account or all accounts in your AWS Organization.
The script can be run with a variety of options for different levels of account access. You can learn more about these options in this GitHub post. In its simplest form it will use the default credentials profile to inventory launch configurations across all regions in a single account.
Once the script has completed, you can view the generated inventory.csv file to get a sense of how many launch configurations may need to be converted to launch templates or deleted.
How to transition to launch templates today
If you’re ready to move to launch templates now, making the transition is simple and mostly automated through the AWS Management Console. For customers who do not use the AWS Management Console, most popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC), such as CloudFormation and Terraform, already support launch templates, as do the AWS CLI and SDKs.
To perform this transition, you will need to ensure that your user has the required permissions.
Here are some examples to get you started.
AWS Management Console
- Open the EC2 Launch Configuration console. You must sign in if you are not already authenticated.
- From the Launch Configuration console, click on the Copy to launch template button and select Copy all.
- Alternatively, you can select individual launch configurations, and use the Copy selected option to selectively copy certain launch configurations.
- Alternatively, you can select individual launch configurations, and use the Copy selected option to selectively copy certain launch configurations.
- Review the list of templates and click on the Copy button when you’re ready to proceed.
- Once the copy process has completed, you can close the wizard.
- Navigate to the EC2 Launch Template console to view your newly created launch templates.
- Your launch templates are now ready to replace launch configurations in your Auto Scaling group configuration. Navigate to the Auto Scaling group console, select your Auto Scaling group, and click on the Edit.
- Next, scroll down to the Launch configuration section, and click Switch to launch template.
- Select your newly created Launch template, review and confirm your configuration, and when ready scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Update button.
- Now that you’ve migrated your launch configurations to launch templates you can prevent users from creating new launch configurations by updating their IAM permissions to deny the autoscaling:CreateLaunchConfiguration action.
Instances launched by this Auto Scaling group continue to run and are not automatically be replaced by making this change. Any instance launched after making this change uses the launch template for its configuration. As your Auto Scaling group scales up and down, the older instances are replaced. If you’d like to force an update, you can use Instance Refresh to ensure that all instances are running the same launch template and version.
CloudFormation and Terraform
If you use CloudFormation to create and manage your infrastructure, you should use the AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate resource to create launch templates. After adding a launch template resource to your CloudFormation stack template file update your Auto Scaling group resource definition by adding a LaunchTemplate property and removing the existing LaunchConfigurationName property. We have several examples available to help you get started.
Using launch templates with Terraform is a similar process. Update your template file to include a aws_launch_template resource and then update your aws_autoscaling_group resources to reference the launch template.
In addition to making these changes, you may also want to consider adding a MixedInstancesPolicy to your Auto Scaling group. A MixedInstancesPolicy allows you to configure your Auto Scaling group with multiple instance types and purchase options. This helps improve the availability and optimization of your applications. Some examples of these benefits include using Spot Instances and On-Demand Instances within the same Auto Scaling group, combining CPU architectures such as Intel, AMD, and ARM (Graviton2), and having multiple instance types configured in case of a temporary capacity issue.
You can generate and configure example templates for CloudFormation and Terraform in the AWS Management Console.
If you’re using the AWS CLI to create and manage your Auto Scaling groups, these examples will show you how to accomplish common tasks when using launch templates.
AWS SDKs already include APIs for creating launch templates. If you’re using one of our SDKs to create and configure your Auto Scaling groups, you can find more information in the SDK documentation for your language of choice.
Next steps
We’re excited to help you take advantage of the latest EC2 features by making the transition to launch templates as seamless as possible. As we make this transition together, we’re here to help and will continue to communicate our plans and timelines for this transition. If you are unable to transition to launch templates due to lack of tooling or functionalities or have any concerns, please contact AWS Support. Also, stay tuned for more information on tools to help make this transition easier for you.