AWS Compute Blog

Category: Amazon Polly

An Adafruit PyPortal displaying a quote while synthesizing and playing speech using Amazon Polly.

Adding voice to a CircuitPython project using Amazon Polly

An Adafruit PyPortal displaying a quote while synthesizing and playing speech using Amazon Polly. As a natural means of communication, voice is a powerful way to humanize an experience. What if you could make anything talk? This guide walks through how to leverage the cloud to add voice to an off-the-shelf microcontroller. Use it to […]

Outbound Voice Calling with Amazon Pinpoint

This post is courtesy of Tom Moore, Solutions Architect – AWS With the recent extension of Amazon Pinpoint to allow an outgoing voice channel, customers can now build applications that include voice messaging to their users. Potential use cases include two-factor authentication via voice for your website and automated reminders of upcoming appointments. This blog […]