AWS Compute Blog

Category: AWS Cloud9

CodeWhisperer full function generation

Introducing Amazon CodeWhisperer in the AWS Lambda console (In preview)

This blog post is written by Mark Richman, Senior Solutions Architect. Today, AWS is launching a new capability to integrate the Amazon CodeWhisperer experience with the AWS Lambda console code editor. Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)–powered service that helps improve developer productivity. It generates code recommendations based on their code comments written in […]

Kickstarting your serverless development environment

Jump-starting your serverless development environment

Developers building serverless applications often wonder how they can jump-start their local development environment. This blog post provides a broad guide for those developers wanting to set up a development environment for building serverless applications. AWS and open source tools for a serverless development environment . To use AWS Lambda and other AWS services, create […]

EFS: Add file system

Using Amazon EFS for AWS Lambda in your serverless applications

Serverless applications are event-driven, using ephemeral compute functions to integrate services and transform data. While AWS Lambda includes a 512-MB temporary file system for your code, this is an ephemeral scratch resource not intended for durable storage. Amazon EFS is a fully managed, elastic, shared file system designed to be consumed by other AWS services, […]

Running Simcenter STAR-CCM+ on AWS with AWS ParallelCluster, Elastic Fabric Adapter and Amazon FSx for Lustre

Update June 27, 2022: The latest version of the scripts referenced in this blog can be found at This post is contributed by Anh Tran – Sr. HPC Specialized Solutions Architect Introduction AWS recently introduced many HPC services that boost the performance and scalability of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) workloads on AWS. These services […]