AWS Compute Blog

Implementing custom domain names for private endpoints with Amazon API Gateway

This post is written by Heeki Park, Principal Solutions Architect

Amazon API Gateway is introducing custom domain name support for private REST API endpoints. Customers choose private REST API endpoints when they want endpoints that are only callable from within their Amazon VPC. Custom domain names are simpler and more intuitive URLs that you can use with your applications and were previously only supported with public REST API endpoints. Now you can use custom domain names to map to private REST APIs and share those custom domain names across accounts using AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM).

Overview of API Gateway connectivity

When considering network connectivity with API Gateway, two aspects are important to keep in mind: the integration type and the connectivity type. The following diagram shows examples of those considerations.

Overall architecture diagram showing custom domains for private endpoints.

Figure 1: Overall architecture

The first aspect is the distinction between frontend integrations and backend integrations. Frontend integrations are how API clients like mobile devices, web browsers, or client applications connect to the API endpoint. Backend integrations are the API services to which your API Gateway endpoint proxies requests, like applications running on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) or Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) containers, or as AWS Lambda functions. The second aspect is whether that connectivity is via the public internet or via your private VPC.

Calling private REST API endpoints

In order to send requests to a private REST API endpoint, clients must operate within a VPC that is configured with a VPC endpoint. Once a VPC endpoint is configured, a client has three different options within the VPC for connecting to the API endpoint, depending on how the VPC and the VPC endpoint are configured.

If the VPC endpoint has private DNS enabled, the client can send requests to the standard endpoint URL: https://{api-id}.execute-api.{region}{stage}. These requests resolve to the VPC endpoint, which then get routed to the appropriate API Gateway endpoint.

VPC endpoint configured with private DNS names enabled.

Figure 2: VPC endpoint configured with private DNS names enabled

Alternatively, if the VPC endpoint has private DNS disabled, the client can send requests to the VPC endpoint URL: https://{vpce-id}.execute-api.{region}{stage}. One of the following headers also needs to be sent along with that request.

Host: {api-id}
x-apigw-api-id: {api-id}

Finally, if the VPC endpoint has private DNS disabled and the private REST API endpoint is associated with the VPC endpoint, the client can send requests to the following URL: https://{api-id}-{vpce-id}.execute-api.{region}{stage}. To associate a VPC endpoint with a private API, the following property configures that association.

        Type: PRIVATE
          - !Ref vpcEndpointId

You can see that configuration in the console, as follows.

Optional VPC endpoint configuration with private REST API endpoints.

Figure 3: Optional VPC endpoint configuration with private REST API endpoints

To simplify access to your private REST API endpoints, you can now also configure custom domain names, which functions as a stable vanity URL for your private APIs.

Implementing custom domain names for private endpoints

Before setting up a custom domain name for your private REST API endpoints, a VPC endpoint for API Gateway, an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate, an Amazon Route 53 private hosted zone, and one or more private REST API endpoints need to be configured.

Once those pre-requisites are set up, a custom domain name can be setup with the following steps:

  1. In the API provider account, create a custom domain name and base path mapping.
  2. In the provider account, use AWS RAM to create a resource share for the custom domain name. In the consumer account, accept the resource share request. This step is only required if the provider and consumer are in different AWS accounts.
  3. In the consumer account, associate a VPC endpoint to the custom domain name.
  4. In the consumer account, create a Route 53 alias to map the custom domain to the VPC endpoint.

Components for configuring a custom domain name.

Figure 4: Components for configuring a custom domain name

Step 1: Creating a private custom domain name

When configuring a custom domain name, a resource-based policy specifies which API consumers are allowed to invoke your private custom domain name.

Creating a private custom domain name.
Figure 5: Creating a private custom domain name

This is an example CloudFormation definition for a private custom domain name.

    DependsOn: Certificate
    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::DomainNameV2
      CertificateArn: !Ref certificateArn
          - PRIVATE
            - Effect: Deny
              Principal: '*'
              Action: execute-api:Invoke
                - execute-api:/*
                  aws:SourceVpce: !Ref vpceEndpointId
            - Effect: Allow
                  - '123456789012'
              Action: execute-api:Invoke
                - execute-api:/*
      SecurityPolicy: TLS_1_2

Note that the Fn::ToJsonString directive above comes from the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform.

In this example, the resource-based policy denies any request that does not come from a particular VPC endpoint and only allows invoke requests that come from that consumer account (123456789012).

The private custom domain name then needs to be mapped to one or more private REST API endpoints in that provider account. The mapping below is an example of mapping one private REST API to the custom domain name.

    DependsOn: DomainName
    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMappingV2
      BasePath: app1
      DomainNameId: abcde12345
      RestApiId: !Ref apiId
      Stage: !Ref stageName

In this example, the BasePath is set to app1. If the Stage is set as dev, then the private endpoint can be accessed via The domain id is the identifier for the private custom domain name, which you can get when you created the custom domain name in step 1.

Note that with public custom domain names, the domain name has to be unique in the region, since they are resolved publicly. With private custom domain names, since they are resolved within a VPC, a private custom domain name with the same name can be created in different accounts. The private custom domain name is then resolved to the VPC endpoint in that account’s VPC.

Step 2: Sharing the private custom domain name using AWS RAM

In order for API consumers to access the private custom domain name from another account, the custom domain name needs to be shared with the consumer accounts using RAM. When RAM creates the resource share, it also automatically creates a management policy. The management policy grants the consumer account permission to associate a VPC endpoint with the private custom domain name. However, if the API provider and API consumer are in the same account, this step with RAM can be skipped.

Sharing the private custom domain name.
Figure 6: Sharing the private custom domain name

The following CloudFormation definition creates a resource share in the provider account.

    Type: AWS::RAM::ResourceShare
      Name: private-custom-domain-name
        - '123456789012'
        - 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:567890123456:/domainnames/'

The allowed Principals for the resource share specifies the consumer account ids. The ResourceArns specify the ARN of the private custom domain name.

In the consumer account, an administrator receives a notification to accept the resource share. This request must be accepted to allow the consumer account to see the private custom domain name. This handshake acts as a mutual agreement between the accounts to allow the private custom domain name to be exposed from the provider account (567890123456) to the consumer account (123456789012). If the provider and consumer accounts are in the same AWS Organization, the share is automatically accepted on behalf of consumers.

Step 3: Associating the private custom domain name to a VPC endpoint

The private custom domain name is now visible in the consumer account. Next, associate the private custom domain name with a VPC endpoint in the consumer account and in the VPC where the client applications reside.

Associating the private custom domain name to a VPC endpoint.
Figure 7: Associating the private custom domain name to a VPC endpoint

    DependsOn: DomainName
    Type: AWS::ApiGateway::DomainNameAccessAssociation
      AccessAssociationSource: vpce-abcdefgh123456789
      AccessAssociationSourceType: VPCE
      DomainNameArn: 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:567890123456:/domainnames/'

The AccessAssociationSource is the VPC endpoint id, and the DomainNameArn is the same ARN that is used in the RAM resource share.

Step 4: Creating a Route 53 alias for the custom domain name

The final step before being able to test the custom domain name in the consumer account is setting up a Route 53 alias. That alias is configured in a private hosted zone that is associated with the VPC where the VPC endpoint and client applications reside. The alias resolves the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) to the VPC endpoint DNS name.

Creating a Route 53 alias.
Figure 8: Creating a Route 53 alias

The following CloudFormation definition creates that alias.

    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref privateZoneId
      TTL: 300
      Type: CNAME

The ResourceRecords point to the FQDN of the VPC endpoint to which our private custom domain name is associated. Once this alias is created, your client applications can test if it can successfully send requests to the private custom domain name.

Optional: Cleaning up the resources

If you’ve configured a test environment with these resources, you can clean up the deployment by following the steps in reverse order.

  1. In the consumer account, delete the Route 53 alias.
  2. In the consumer account, delete the association.
  3. In both the consumer and provider account, remove the RAM resource share.
  4. In the provider account, delete the custom domain name and base path mapping.


In this post, you learned about how clients can connect to private REST API endpoints with API Gateway. With custom domain names, your applications connect to stable URLs that can forward requests to many different private API backends. Furthermore, your application teams can deploy resources in separate line of business AWS accounts and access the private custom domain name as a central shared resource, using AWS RAM resource sharing. This allows your application teams to build secure, private API applications and expose them to API consumers securely and across multiple AWS accounts.

For more details, refer to the API Gateway documentation and check out patterns with API Gateway on Serverless Land.