AWS Compute Blog
Implementing transactions using JMS2.0 in Amazon MQ for ActiveMQ
This post is written by Paras Jain, Senior Technical Account Manager and Vinodh Kannan Sadayamuthu, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect
This post describes the transactional capabilities of the ActiveMQ broker in Amazon MQ by using a producer client application written using the Java Messaging System(JMS) 2.0 API. The JMS 2.0 APIs are easier to use and have fewer interfaces than the previous version. To learn about ActiveMQ’s JMS 2.0 support, refer to the ActiveMQ documentation on JMS2.0. Also check out What’s New in JMS 2.0 to learn more about features in JMS2.0.
Amazon MQ now supports ActiveMQ 5.18. Amazon MQ also introduces a new semantic versioning system that displays the minor version (e.g., 5.18) and keeps your broker up-to-date with new patches (e.g., 5.18.4) within the same minor version. ActiveMQ 5.18 adds support for JMS 2.0, Spring 5.3.x, and several dependency updates and bug fixes. For the complete details, see release notes for the Active MQ 5.18.x release series.
Messaging Patterns in Distributed Systems
Implementing messaging in a message-broker based distributed messaging often involves a fire-and-forget mechanism. Message producers send the messages to the broker and it is message broker’s responsibility to ensure that the messages are delivered to the consumers. In non-transactional use cases, the messages are independent of each other. However, in some situations, a group of messages needs to be delivered to consumers as part of a single transaction. This means either all the messages in the group are to be delivered to the consumer or none of those messages are delivered.
ActiveMQ 5.18 provides two levels of transaction support — JMS transactions and XA transactions.
JMS transactions are used when multiple messages need to be sent to the ActiveMQ broker as a single atomic unit. This transactional behavior is enabled by invoking the commit() and rollback() methods on a Session (for JMS 1.x) or JMSContext (for JMS 2.0) object. If all the messages are successfully sent, the transaction can be committed, ensuring that the messages are processed as a unit. If any issues occur during the sending process, the transaction can be rolled back, preventing the partial delivery of messages. This transactional capability is crucial when maintaining data integrity and ensuring that complex messaging operations are executed reliably. See ActiveMQ FAQ – How Do Transactions work FAQ for more details on how transactions work in ActiveMQ.
XA transactions are used when two or more messages need to be sent to ActiveMQ brokers and other distributed resources in a transactional manner. This is achieved by using an XA Session, which acts as an XA resource. See ActiveMQ FAQ – Should I use XA transactions FAQ for more details on XA transactions.
Transactional use case in an Order Management System
The example in this blog post shows the transactional capabilities in an Order Management System (OMS) application, using ActiveMQ as the message broker. Upon receiving an order, the OMS application sends a message (message 1) to the warehouse queue to start the packing process. Then the application runs an internal business process. If this process is successful, the application sends another message (message 2) to the shipping queue to start the package pickup process. In the event of internal business process failure, it is necessary to prevent message 2 from being sent to the shipping queue and rollback message 1 from the warehouse queue.
The flowchart below illustrates the logic behind the transactional use case featured in this example.
Flowchart describing transactional use case.
The JMS client stores both messages in-memory until the transaction is committed or rolled back. The client achieves this by maintaining a Transacted Session between the message producer client and the broker. A transacted session is a session that uses transactions to ensure message delivery. In our example, transacted session is created using the following statement.
In the example for this post, we have shown a transacted session between the message producer and the broker. We are not showing transactions between the broker and the message consumer. You can implement it using the similar pattern.
Creating ActiveMQ broker
The following prerequisites are required to create and configure ActiveMQ broker in Amazon MQ.
- Install the AWS Command Line Interface(CLI).
- Install Java 11 or above.
- Configure AWS CLI with the IAM Principal(user/role) with AmazonMQFullAccess permission attached.
To create a broker (AWS CLI):
- Run the following command to create the broker. This creates a publicly accessible broker for testing only. When creating brokers for production use, adhere to the Security best practices for Amazon MQ.
Replace <broker-name> with the name you want to give to the broker. Replace <username> and <password> as per the create-broker CLI documentation. After the successful execution of the command the BrokerArn and the BrokerId is displayed on the command line. Note down these values.Creation of the broker takes about 15 minutes.
- Run the following command to get the status
Proceed to next step once the broker state is Running.
- Get the console URL and other broker endpoints by running the following command
Note the ConsoleURL and ssl endpoint from the output.
Configuring the message producer client
The sample code in this post uses a sample message producer client written using JMS 2.0 API to send messages to the ActiveMQ broker.
- In case of a successful transaction, the producer client sends a message to the first queue and waits for 15 seconds. Then it sends the message to the second queue and waits for another 15 seconds. Finally, it commits the transaction.
- In case of a failed transaction, the producer client sends the first message and waits for 15 seconds. Then the code introduces an artificial failure, causing the transaction rollback.The 15 seconds wait time provides you the opportunity to verify the number of messages at broker side as the program progresses through the transaction flow. Until the producer client commits the transaction, none of the messages are sent to the broker, even for a successful transaction.
To download and configure the sample client:
- Get the Amazon MQ Transactions Sample Jar from the GitHub repository.
- To run the sample client, use the java command with -jar option which runs the program encapsulated in a jar file. The syntax for running the sample client is:
<path-to-jar-file> – path in your local machine where you have downloaded the jar file.
<jar-filename> – name of the jar file.
<username> – username you selected while creating the broker.
<password> – password you selected while creating the broker.
<ssl-endpoint> – ssl endpoint you noted down in the step above.
<first-queue> – name of the first queue in the transaction.
<second-queue> – name of the second queue in the transaction.
<message> – message text.
<is-transaction-successful> – flag to tell the producer client if the transaction has to be successful or not.
Testing successful transactions
Following are the steps to test successful transactions with ActiveMQ:
- List queues and message counts in ActiveMQ console
- Navigate to the Amazon MQ console and choose your ActiveMQ broker.
- Login to ActiveMQ Web Console from URLs in Connections panel.
- Click on Manage ActiveMQ broker.
- Provide username and password used for the user created when you created the broker.
- Click on Queues on the top navigation bar.
- Check warehouse-queue and shipping-queue are not listed.
- Run the following command to send messages for order1 to both the queues successfully:
Replace the placeholders as mentioned in the command instructions above.With this command, the example producer client sends the first message to the warehouse-queue and prints the following message to the console and waits for 15 seconds.
During the 15 seconds wait, refresh the browser and verify that the warehouse-queue is now listed but has no pending or enqueued messages.
After 15 seconds, the producer client sends the second message to the shipping-queue and prints the following message to the console and waits for 15 more seconds.
During this 15-second wait, refresh the browser window again and verify that the shipping-queue is now listed, but like the warehouse-queue, it has no pending or enqueued messages.
Finally, the producer client commits both the messages and prints:
- Refresh the browser and verify warehouse-queue and shipping-queue have 1 pending and enqueued message each. The list will look like below:
Image showing the shipping and warehouse queues
Repeat this process for testing more successful transactions.
Testing failed transactions
- Note down the beginning number of pending and enqueued messages in each of the queues.
- Run the following command and pass false for <is-transaction-successful> to introduce an artificial failure.
Replace the placeholders as mentioned in the initial command instructions above.With this command, the example producer client sends the first message to the warehouse-queue and prints the following message to the console and waits for 15 seconds.
During the 15 seconds wait, refresh the browser and verify that the counts in the warehouse-queue and shipping-queue are unchanged.
Finally, the client artificially introduces a failure and rolls back the transaction and prints:
- Refresh the browser to confirm that the counts for both the queues are unchanged. This example starts with 1 message each in each queue which remained unchanged after the failed transaction.
Image showing shipping and warehouse queues with unchanged counts.
Note that for both the successful and unsuccessful scenarios, the messages that are sent to the queues as part of a transaction are stored in-memory at the client side. These messages are sent to the broker only when the transaction is committed.
- Delete the broker by running the following command
In this post, you created an Amazon MQ broker for ActiveMQ for version 5.18. You also learned about the new semantic versioning introduced by Amazon MQ. ActiveMQ 5.18.x brings support for JMS 2.0, Spring 5.3.x and dependency updates. Finally, you created a sample application using JMS 2.0 API showing transactional capabilities of the ActiveMQ 5.18.x broker.
To learn more about Amazon MQ, visit