AWS Compute Blog

Reducing custom code by using advanced rules in Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge allows you to route events between AWS services, integrated software as a service (SaaS) applications, and your own applications. Event producers publish events onto an event bus, which uses rules to determine where to send those events. The rules can specify one or more targets, which can be other AWS services or Lambda functions. This model makes it easy to develop scalable, distributed serverless applications by handling event routing and filtering.

EventBridge Content Filtering

EventBridge recently introduced additional content filtering functionality, which creates new possibilities for building sophisticated rules. This blog post explores how to use event patterns to build rules that make this routing process more powerful without needing custom code. I show how this could work with a sample ATM banking application integrating into an AWS service.

Events, rules, and filtering

In EventBridge, an event is simply a JSON structure. It contains some top-level envelope fields, such as the source, event, and timestamp, followed by a detail field containing the body of the event. Events generated from AWS services always contain a number of descriptive fields and are identifiable by the source attribute prefix “aws”.

You can also generate events from your own applications. EventBridge requires specific envelope fields, but otherwise you are free to add additional attributes as needed. A typical event structure for a custom application looks like this:

  "Source": string,
  "EventBusName": string,
  "DetailType": string,
  "Detail": string

If your application uses nested attributes, you must convert the Detail attribute into a string. In programming languages such as Node.js, you can do this using JSON.stringify to send an event, and JSON.parse when receiving it. For example, for a banking application where an ATM application sends events to EventBridge, a cash withdrawal event may look like this:

  "Source": "custom.myATMapp",
  "EventBusName": "default",
  "DetailType": "transaction",
  "Detail": "{\"action\":\"withdrawal”,\"amount\":300}"

EventBridge rules use event patterns that are JSON structures. These match against the attributes in the events. In the rules, you only specify the fields where you want to apply filtering logic.

To see all events for a single application using an event bus, you can filter by source. Any incoming event with this source matches regardless of the content of other fields. In the ATM application example, a rule that accepts all events looks like this:

  "source": [ "custom.myATMapp" ]

EventBridge examines the incoming event and compares it against this rule. The rule specifies a source value of custom.myATMapp and, as this exists in the event, the pattern matches. It then routes the event to the rule’s targets:

EventBridge rules

The example above shows a static, exact match pattern – the attribute is either present, or it’s not. There are now additional operators available for dynamic matching based on specific comparison conditions. This provides functionality that’s similar to what you use in a SQL where clause for filtering records in a database.

Here is a summary of all the comparison operators available in EventBridge:

Comparison Example Rule syntax
Null UserID is null “UserID”: [ null ]
Empty LastName is empty “LastName”: [“”]
Equals Name is “Alice” “Name”: [ “Alice” ]
And Location is “New York” and Day is “Monday” “Location”: [ “New York” ], “Day”: [“Monday”]
Or PaymentType is “Credit” or “Debit” “PaymentType”: [ “Credit”, “Debit”]
Not Weather is anything but “Raining” “Weather”: [ { “anything-but”: [ “Raining” ] } ]
Numeric (equals) Price is 100 “Price”: [ { “numeric”: [ “=”, 100 ] } ]
Numeric (range) Price is more than 10, and less than or equal to 20 “Price”: [ { “numeric”: [ “>”, 10, “<=”, 20 ] } ]
Exists ProductName exists “ProductName”: [ { “exists”: true } ]
Does not exist ProductName does not exist “ProductName”: [ { “exists”: false } ]
Begins with Region is in the US “Region”: [ {“prefix”: “us-“ } ]

Filtering events in a custom application

In this example, a bank runs software on a network of ATMs that forwards transactional information to EventBridge. This software sends all events to EventBridge, but downstream systems only want to receive a subset of ATM events:

ATM example application

The events from the ATMs have the following structure:

        "Source": "custom.myATMapp",
        "EventBusName": "default",
        "DetailType": "transaction",
        "Time": "Wed Jan 29 2020 08:03:18 GMT-0500",
          "action": "withdrawal",
          "location": "NY-NYC-001",
          "amount": 300,
          "result": "approved",
          "transactionId": "123456",
          "cardPresent": true,
          "partnerBank": "Example Bank",
          "remainingFunds": 722.34

The downstream services can use the event patterns in EventBridge rules to ensure that they only receive specific events.

1. Transactions where the amount is over $300

The following event pattern filters for ATM transactions over $300.

  "source": [ "custom.myATMapp" ],
  "detail-type": [ "transaction" ],
  "detail": {
    "amount": [ { "numeric": [ ">", 300 ] } ]

2. All ATMs in New York City

The ATM location attribute uses the format state-city-id, so NY-NYC-001 indicates that the machine is located in New York City in New York state. To filter events from only ATMs in the New York City area, I use a prefix in the filter:

  "source": [ "custom.myATMapp" ],
  "detail-type": [ "transaction" ],
  "detail": {
    "location": [ { "prefix": "NY-NYC-" } ]

3. ATM customers using a third-party bank account

To filter for transactions that show a partnerBank attribute, the following event pattern checks for the existence of this attribute:

  "source": [ "custom.myATMapp" ],
  "detail-type": [ "transaction" ],
  "detail": {
    "partnerBank": [ { "exists": true } ]

4. Combined filter

I can combine filters in a single event pattern to create use-cases that are more complex. For example, this filters on approved transactions where no partnerBank attribute exists, reporting from any ATM with a location different to NY-NYC-002:

  "source": [ "custom.myATMapp" ],
  "detail-type": [ "transaction" ],
  "detail": {
    "result": [ "approved" ],
    "partnerBank": [ { "exists": false } ],
    "location": [ { "anything-but": "NY-NYC-002" }]

In each of these cases, EventBridge matches incoming events against the event patterns in these rules. If there is no match, it does not route the event. This eliminates custom code that otherwise exists to filter incoming events and terminate if necessary.

Filtering AWS events to create a custom S3-to-Lambda integration

EventBridge uses a variety of AWS services as native event sources. For other AWS services, such as Amazon S3, it consumes events via AWS CloudTrail. You must first enable CloudTrail logging for the service you want to use with EventBridge. Once enabled, you can filter on any of the attributes available in an AWS event. This allows you to create dynamic, flexible integrations in your event-driven applications.

The standard S3-to-Lambda trigger allows developers to subscribe a Lambda function to an event on a single bucket. Although these events can filter on prefixes and suffixes of object keys in S3, you cannot use multiple configurations that overlap. Beyond the prefix and suffix of the key name, you cannot filter further on any other attributes of the event before invoking the Lambda function. To examine the S3 event further, you must do this within the code in the function itself.

Using EventBridge, you can configure a rule between one or more S3 buckets, and one or more Lambda functions, based upon any of the attributes available. This enables you to create much more granular filters for routing events to downstream consumers. Using a declarative approach results in greater flexibility and less custom code. In this section, I show four use-cases where this could be useful.

S3 to EventBridge

(a) Invoking a single Lambda function from events in multiple buckets

This example uses multiple buckets with a common prefix in the bucket name (for example, buckets with the names “myApp-images”, “myApp-uploads”, and “myApp-archive”). You can use all these buckets as an event source to trigger the same Lambda function. This event pattern matches for all put events in those buckets:

  "source": [ "aws.s3" ],
  "detail-type": [ "AWS API Call via CloudTrail" ],
  "detail": {
    "eventSource": [ "" ],
    "eventName": [ "PutObject" ],
    "requestParameters": {
      "bucketName": [ { "prefix": "myApp-" } ]

(b) Invoking multiple consumers as targets

EventBridge allows up to five targets per rule, so you can specify up to five separate Lambda functions to receive the event. All five functions are invoked in parallel when the event pattern matches. To use this, add the targets in the rule – no changes to the event pattern is required.

If you need more than five targets, use Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). You can define an SNS topic as the EventBridge rule target, and then fan out from SNS to much larger number of subscribers.

  "source": [ "aws.s3" ],
  "detail-type": [ "AWS API Call via CloudTrail" ],
  "detail": {
    "eventSource": [ "" ],
    "eventName": [ "GetObject" ],
    "userAgent": [ "userAgent" ],

    "requestParameters": {
      "bucketName": [ "mybucket" ]


The new content filtering syntax in EventBridge enables precise filtering of events using comparison operators and ranges of values. This allows you to filter declaratively at the event bus rather than filtering downstream using custom code. For custom applications, like the ATM example, it enables you to build precise rules for specific use-cases, reducing the number of calls to targets.

This approach enables you to route events more precisely based upon any of the attributes reported in an event. This makes it easier to handle complex routing at the EventBridge level and reduces the need for custom code across your application.

To learn more about content filtering, see the Amazon EventBridge documentation.