AWS Compute Blog

Tag: CloudEndure

Architecture highlighting nearly continuous, real-time data replication from on-premises to AWS Outposts.

Architecting for DR on AWS Outposts with CloudEndure

April 19, 2024: This post is considered deprecated. Updated guidance can be found at Architecting for Disaster Recovery on AWS Outposts Racks with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. This post is written by Scott Howe – Sr. Secure Hybrid Edge Solutions Architect and Schneider Larbi – Sr. Partner Solutions Architect (VMware & Outposts) AWS Outposts is a […]

Automating your lift-and-shift migration at no cost with CloudEndure Migration

This post is courtesy of Gonen Stein, Head of Product Strategy, CloudEndure  Acquired by AWS in January 2019, CloudEndure offers a highly automated migration tool to simplify and expedite rehost (lift-and-shift) migrations. AWS recently announced that CloudEndure Migration is now available to all customers and partners at no charge. Each free CloudEndure Migration license provides 90 […]