AWS Compute Blog

Tag: container

Securing Amazon ECS workloads on AWS Fargate with customer managed keys

As Amazon CTO Werner Vogels said, “Encryption is the tool we have to make sure that nobody else has access to your data. Amazon Web Services (AWS) built encryption into nearly all of its 165 cloud services. Make use of it. Dance like nobody is watching. Encrypt like everyone is.” Security is the top priority […]

Sharing automated blueprints for Amazon ECS continuous delivery using AWS Service Catalog

This post is contributed by Mahmoud ElZayet | Specialist SA – Dev Tech, AWS   Modern application development processes enable organizations to improve speed and quality continually. In this innovative culture, small, autonomous teams own the entire application life cycle. While such nimble, autonomous teams speed product delivery, they can also impose costs on compliance, […]

Optimizing Amazon ECS task density using awsvpc network mode

This post is contributed by Tony Pujals | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS   AWS recently increased the number of elastic network interfaces available when you run tasks on Amazon ECS. Use the account setting called awsvpcTrunking. If you use the Amazon EC2 launch type and task networking (awsvpc network mode), you can now run more […]

Using AWS App Mesh with Fargate

This post is contributed by Tony Pujals | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS   AWS App Mesh is a service mesh, which provides a framework to control and monitor services spanning multiple AWS compute environments. My previous post provided a walkthrough to get you started. In it, I showed deploying a simple microservice application to Amazon ECS […]

Integrating AWS X-Ray with AWS App Mesh

This post is contributed by Lulu Zhao | Software Development Engineer II, AWS   AWS X-Ray helps developers and DevOps engineers quickly understand how an application and its underlying services are performing. When it’s integrated with AWS App Mesh, the combination makes for a powerful analytical tool. X-Ray helps to identify and troubleshoot the root […]

Scaling Kubernetes deployments with Amazon CloudWatch metrics

This post is contributed by Kwunhok Chan | Solutions Architect, AWS   In an earlier post, AWS introduced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Kubernetes Metrics Server support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. These tools make it easy to scale your Kubernetes workloads managed by EKS in response to built-in metrics like CPU and memory. However, one common use case for applications […]

Learning AWS App Mesh

UPDATE – Oct 26 2020 – We have updated the instructions and recommended configurations for AWS App Mesh, which can be found in this GitHub repository: Please consider the below steps deprecated, but we are leaving the post live for its deeper explanation of some of the steps involved. This post is contributed by […]

Automatically update instances in an Amazon ECS cluster using the AMI ID parameter

UPDATE – Mar 15, 2021 – We’ve updated this post to reflect the guidance that customers should be updating their Amazon ECS clusters with Amazon Linux 2 AMIs. Customers should fully confirm application functionality before moving to Amazon Linux 2. This post is contributed by Adam McLean – Solutions Developer at AWS and Chirill Cucereavii […]

Making Cluster Updates Easy with Amazon EKS

Kubernetes is rapidly evolving, with frequent feature releases, functionality updates, and bug fixes. Additionally, AWS periodically changes the way it configures Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (Amazon EKS) to improve performance, support bug fixes, and enable new functionality. Previously, moving to a new Kubernetes version required you to re-create your cluster and migrate your […]

Maintaining Transport Layer Security all the way to your container part 2: Using AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority

This post contributed by AWS Senior Cloud Infrastructure Architect Anabell St Vincent and AWS Solutions Architect Alex Kimber. The previous post, Maintaining Transport Layer Security All the Way to Your Container, covered how the layer 4 Network Load Balancer can be used to maintain Transport Layer Security (TLS) all the way from the client to […]