AWS Compute Blog

Tag: Containers

High-level diagram showing event flow

How to authenticate private container registries using AWS Batch

This post was contributed by Clayton Thomas, Solutions Architect, AWS WW Public Sector SLG Govtech. Many AWS Batch users choose to store and consume their AWS Batch job container images on AWS using Amazon Elastic Container Registries (ECR). AWS Batch and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) natively support pulling from Amazon ECR without any extra […]

create a container service, micro

Launching a WordPress Website using Amazon Lightsail Containers

This post is written by Benjamin Gardiner, Partner Solutions Architect. Amazon Lightsail is a great way to get familiar with AWS. Lightsail simplifies the deployment of instances, databases, load balancers, CDNs, and now also containers. In this post I demonstrate how easy it is to launch a WordPress website using Lightsail containers and a Lightsail […]

PHP Lambda fucntion with Container images

Building PHP Lambda functions with Docker container images

At re:Invent 2020, AWS announced that you can package and deploy AWS Lambda functions as container images. Packaging AWS Lambda functions as container images brings some notable benefits for developers running custom runtimes, such as PHP. This blog post explains those benefits and shows how to use the new container image support for Lambda functions […]

Using container image support for AWS Lambda with AWS SAM

At AWS re:Invent 2020, AWS Lambda released Container Image Support for Lambda functions. This new feature allows developers to package and deploy Lambda functions as container images of up to 10 GB in size. With this release, AWS SAM also added support to manage, build, and deploy Lambda functions using container images. In this blog post, I walk through […]

Lambda container image support

Working with Lambda layers and extensions in container images

In this post, I explain how to use AWS Lambda layers and extensions with Lambda functions packaged and deployed as container images. Previously, Lambda functions were packaged only as .zip archives. This includes functions created in the AWS Management Console. You can now also package and deploy Lambda functions as container images. You can use […]

Register for the Modern Applications Online Event

Earlier this year we hosted the first serverless themed virtual event, the Serverless-First Function. We enjoyed the opportunity to virtually connect with our customers so much that we want to do it again. This time, we’re expanding the scope to feature serverless, containers, and front-end development content. The Modern Applications Online Event is scheduled for […]

Sharing automated blueprints for Amazon ECS continuous delivery using AWS Service Catalog

This post is contributed by Mahmoud ElZayet | Specialist SA – Dev Tech, AWS   Modern application development processes enable organizations to improve speed and quality continually. In this innovative culture, small, autonomous teams own the entire application life cycle. While such nimble, autonomous teams speed product delivery, they can also impose costs on compliance, […]

Optimizing Amazon ECS task density using awsvpc network mode

This post is contributed by Tony Pujals | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS   AWS recently increased the number of elastic network interfaces available when you run tasks on Amazon ECS. Use the account setting called awsvpcTrunking. If you use the Amazon EC2 launch type and task networking (awsvpc network mode), you can now run more […]

Using AWS App Mesh with Fargate

This post is contributed by Tony Pujals | Senior Developer Advocate, AWS   AWS App Mesh is a service mesh, which provides a framework to control and monitor services spanning multiple AWS compute environments. My previous post provided a walkthrough to get you started. In it, I showed deploying a simple microservice application to Amazon ECS […]

Integrating AWS X-Ray with AWS App Mesh

This post is contributed by Lulu Zhao | Software Development Engineer II, AWS   AWS X-Ray helps developers and DevOps engineers quickly understand how an application and its underlying services are performing. When it’s integrated with AWS App Mesh, the combination makes for a powerful analytical tool. X-Ray helps to identify and troubleshoot the root […]