AWS Compute Blog

Tag: open source

Spin Access App

Building diversified and cost-optimized EC2 server groups in Spinnaker

This blog post is written by Sandeep Palavalasa, Sr. Specialist Containers SA, and Prathibha Datta-Kumar, Software Development Engineer Spinnaker is an open source continuous delivery platform created by Netflix for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. It enables teams to automate deployments into pipelines that are run whenever a new version is released with proven […]

Unify your iOS mobile app CI/CD pipeline with Amazon EC2 Mac Instances

This post is written by Benjamin Meyer, Solutions Architect at AWS With Amazon EC2 Mac instances, AWS customers can run macOS workloads on AWS and benefit from the scale, elasticity, reliability, and experience of AWS. With EC2 Mac instances, it’s possible to bootstrap macOS machines in the cloud and use these for building, testing, and […]

Using cost allocation tags with AWS ParallelCluster

This post is courtesy of Dario La Porta, Senior Consultant, HPC. With high performance computing (HPC) workloads running in the AWS Cloud, customers can scale workloads easily and select from a variety of instance types. With this additional flexibility, elasticity, and scale, it’s important to track your costs and resource utilization for specific projects or […]

Screen capture of the AWS Elastic Beanstalk project board on GitHub

Improving Transparency of AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This post is courtesy of David LaBissoniere, Software Development Manager, AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Today I want to discuss two recent announcements from the AWS Elastic Beanstalk team which improve transparency into our planning and development. We launched a new public roadmap, and we shifted to developing the Elastic Beanstalk command line interface (EB CLI) on […]