AWS Contact Center

Category: Learning Levels

Agent CCP Call Statistics

Assist agents and enrich system metrics with Amazon Connect

Agents are a core part of a contact centre. At peak times, they manage long queues and look through multiple systems for the information requested by their customers. During a call, agents may need to reconfirm information with the customer that they already gave in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. This may include the […]

Create and update agents in bulk with Amazon Connect

Contact center managers must often add and remove agents quickly, or manage agents as a group. The ability to do so efficiently and in bulk is essential to the timely management of contact center agents. Amazon Connect currently offers methods to perform bulk user (agent) creation and bulk user updates within the User Management functions […]

Updating your addresses with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex

When someone moves, they spend time notifying their service account providers (electric, water, insurance, etc.) to update their address information. This post explains how to create an Amazon Lex bot in an Amazon Connect contact flow to automate the address update process. After you create the bot, you use AWS Lambda to confirm the new […]

Keep Your Contact Data Clean by Using Session Attributes in Amazon Connect

Using data to create dynamic experiences is a great way to enhance the customer journey with Amazon Connect. Sometimes though, managing that data across Amazon Connect contact flows or AWS Lambda functions can require a level of data persistence that can lead to unnecessary attributes in the Amazon Connect contact trace records(CTRs). Examples of such […]

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect (Preview)

Today, AWS announced Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, a set of capabilities for Amazon Connect enabled by machine learning (ML) that gives contact center supervisors and analysts the ability to understand the content, sentiment, and trends of their customer conversations to identify crucial customer feedback and improve customer experience. Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud […]

Recovering abandoned calls with Amazon Connect

At some point, you have likely had to hang up after waiting on the phone for an agent to help you. You lost your spot in the queue, without the option to leave a voicemail or receive a callback. This experience is exceptionally frustrating for users, and also damaging to a business from both a […]

Enabling federation with AWS Single Sign-On and Amazon Connect

If you don’t have an SAML 2.0–compliant identity provider available for your contact service, it can take significant effort to set up a new one. Amazon Connect supports SAML 2.0–compliant identity providers (IdPs) for single sign-on (SSO). AWS Single Sign-On (AWS SSO) makes it easy to centrally manage SSO access to multiple AWS accounts and […]

Using Amazon Pinpoint to send text messages in Amazon Connect

Taking advantage of SMS text capabilities in your contact center provides another medium to improve your customers’ experience. Amazon Pinpoint lets you manage all facets of an SMS/email campaign, and now lets you send text messages from Amazon Connect. The instructions in this post help you enable text messages from your Amazon Connect contact flows […]

Creating dynamic, personalized experiences in Amazon Connect

Amazon Connect’s native integrations with other AWS services like AWS Lambda allow you to create dynamic, personalized experienced for your callers. In this blog post we will use AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB to: Create an AWS Lambda function from the sample provided. Integrate your Lambda function with your Amazon Connect instance, letting you perform […]