AWS Contact Center

Category: Customer Solutions

Scale and optimize staffing based on performance objectives in Amazon Connect (part 3)

Scale and optimize staffing based on performance objectives in Amazon Connect (part 3)

Contact centers have performance objectives (service levels, agent occupancy, average speed to answer) to ensure a high-quality of customer service. The methods used to route incoming contacts have a direct influence on these performance metrics. Amazon Connect makes it possible to route contacts based on objectives that are important to the business. Part 1 of […]

Real-time data export of Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to Salesforce using Amazon Kinesis

Real-time data export of Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to Salesforce using Amazon Kinesis

Introduction Amazon Connect Customer Profiles helps companies deliver faster and personalized customer service in contact centers. This is achieved by providing agents and automated experiences (e.g., IVR) instant access to customer information without the latency and costs of integrating data from multiple systems (SaaS apps, databases, etc). Companies can bring data from over eighty application […]

Event based outbound campaigns with Amazon Connect

Organizations use contact centers to answer inbound calls and initiate outbound communication to their customers. Use cases for outbound communications include appointment reminders, telemarketing, subscription renewals, billing reminders, and follow-up calls. Customer preferences determine the communication channel (voice, messaging, or email) used in outbound campaigns. Contact center managers often use different applications for each channel […]

Provide WhatsApp messaging as a channel with Amazon Connect

EDITOR NOTE: This blog is an example starter project designed to provide a demonstration and basis for builders to create their own solutions. It should not be considered Production-ready. If you plan to deploy and use this in a Production environment please review Using this in Production for additional guidance. If you need additional support […]

Web application for managing Amazon Connect contact center custom prompts

Introduction Amazon Connect contact center allows you to create dynamic voice prompt playback using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). All the custom prompts are stored as audio files on Amazon S3. As the number of files increase, it becomes challenging to manage these files and audit changes. Business users would need access to AWS Management […]

Displaying position in queue for chat customers

When customers reach out for support using chat they will often need support from an agent. Setting expectations on when an agent will be available to assist helps keep customers engaged. Contact centers can inform customers about their position in queue to keep the customer informed. Using this solution, you can keep your Amazon Connect […]

Redacting sensitive data in the chat message streaming API for Amazon Connect

Introduction Organizations today strive to provide increasingly personalized customer journeys. For example, up-selling new products based on history of interest in related products. Data collection drives the ability for businesses to personalize – data is valuable and the more collected, the more impact a personalized experience can have. Businesses must be able however to balance […]

Combine data from multiple sources using Amazon AppFlow and build unified Amazon Connect Customer Profile for contact center agents

Introduction A prior understanding of customers’ journey and their engagement with a business is essential for contact center agents to deliver personalized customer service experience. Businesses want to improve their customer satisfaction scores (CSAT). To do so, they need to equip their agents and automated experiences with information about customers, e.g., previous transactions and call […]

Click to Call in Amazon Connect

Customers can try to find answers on company websites or mobile app before contacting customer service. Customer experience executives have struggled to carry that web or mobile click-stream behavior and context into the contact center interaction. The idea of creating a continuation of customer journey from web/mobile into the contact center for personalization, automation, and […]

Routing contacts based on performance objectives in Amazon Connect: Service level (part 1)

Enterprise contact centers have performance objectives (service levels, agent occupancy, average speed to answer) to deliver a high-quality customer service experience. The strategies used to route incoming contacts have a direct influence on these performance metrics. Amazon Connect makes it possible to route contacts based on objectives that are important to the business. This is […]