AWS Contact Center

Category: Technical How-to

Manage prompts programmatically with Amazon Connect

Introduction Contact centers use prompts to interact with customers, to obtain information from customers and to provide updates to customers. Prompts are recorded audio files played in call flows. Contact center administrators need to react quickly to the business needs by adding new prompts or changing existing prompts. Tracking and managing large numbers of prompts […]

Monitor real-time metrics using granular access controls in Amazon Connect

Introduction Contact center supervisors, managers, compliance, workforce analysts, and others monitor the real-time performance of their contact center, including agent, queue, and routing profile performance, using the real-time metrics dashboard in the Amazon Connect console. Furthermore, as mentioned in the previous blog post, organizations today are challenged by an evolving privacy and regulatory landscape, which […]

Investigate Amazon Connect API activity across your organization using AWS CloudTrail and Amazon Athena

Following AWS’s best practices on multi-account strategy, customers launch and maintain their Amazon Connect instances across multiple accounts and Regions depending upon their products, groups, departments, etc. This allows individual business owners, developers, engineers etc. to make changes to their own independent Amazon Connect environments. In such a scenario, customers need a central mechanism to […]

Analyze customer satisfaction scores with post-contact surveys using Amazon Connect Tasks

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is one of the top metrics used to measure the customer’s perceptions after an interaction in your contact center. CSAT post-call surveys are important as a diagnostic tool to fine-tune the experience and service delivered in a contact center. They not only assess perceptions of experiences, but also help an organization understand […]

How to analyze Amazon Connect Voice ID metrics using Amazon CloudWatch

Join us for AWS Contact Center Day, a free virtual event where you’ll learn about the future of customer service, how machine learning can optimize customer and agent experiences—and more. Register now » Today, contact centers adopting Amazon Connect Voice ID are seeking insights from aggregated metrics such as number of successful enrollments and authentications over […]

Getting started with step-by-step guides for the Amazon Connect agent workspace

Join us for AWS Contact Center Day, a free virtual event where you’ll learn about the future of customer service, how machine learning can optimize customer and agent experiences—and more. Register now » One of the biggest challenges contact centers face is training new agents to get up to speed with their agent application. Until agents […]

Routing contacts based on performance objectives in Amazon Connect: Agent Occupancy (part 2)

Enterprise contact centers have performance objectives (service levels, agent occupancy, average speed to answer) to ensure a high-quality customer service. The methods used to route incoming contacts have a direct influence on these performance metrics. Amazon Connect makes it possible to route contacts based on objectives that are important to the business. Part 1 of this […]

Provide WhatsApp messaging as a channel with Amazon Connect

EDITOR NOTE: This blog is an example starter project designed to provide a demonstration and basis for builders to create their own solutions. It should not be considered Production-ready. If you plan to deploy and use this in a Production environment please review Using this in Production for additional guidance. If you need additional support […]

Web application for managing Amazon Connect contact center custom prompts

Introduction Amazon Connect contact center allows you to create dynamic voice prompt playback using Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). All the custom prompts are stored as audio files on Amazon S3. As the number of files increase, it becomes challenging to manage these files and audit changes. Business users would need access to AWS Management […]

Using SMS to accept alphanumeric entry for voice calls with Amazon Connect

Organizations are increasingly using speech recognition to create powerful conversational interfaces in the contact center, enabling self-service, user identification, and caller authentication based on users’ spoken natural language. These capabilities create delightful experiences for the user and improve containment rates and customer satisfaction scores. Oftentimes, in order to authenticate callers, organizations typically must collect alphanumeric […]