AWS Contact Center

Tag: AI

Machine learning-based caller authentication with Amazon Connect Voice ID (preview)

To authenticate callers, contact centers often use a time-consuming process where callers have to answer multiple questions verifying their personal details, like social security number, date of birth, and mother’s maiden name. This process is costly, time-consuming, and leads to poor customer experiences. Amazon Connect Voice ID provides real-time caller authentication, which makes voice interactions […]

Machine learning-based customer insights with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the general availability of Contact Lens, machine learning powered contact center analytics for Amazon Connect. Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center that helps companies of any size deliver superior customer service at lower cost. With Contact Lens, supervisors and quality assurance managers can easily understand the sentiment, […]

Quickly set up remote contact center agents with Amazon Connect

For several years, knowledge workers have benefited from the ease of working from anywhere (offices or home). They usually have access to the right tools and technology (often a cell phone, laptop, and an internet connection) that allows them to leverage flexible work options. However, legacy contact center workers have not been so fortunate. They […]

Contact Lens for Amazon Connect (Preview)

Today, AWS announced Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, a set of capabilities for Amazon Connect enabled by machine learning (ML) that gives contact center supervisors and analysts the ability to understand the content, sentiment, and trends of their customer conversations to identify crucial customer feedback and improve customer experience. Amazon Connect is an omnichannel cloud […]

AI Powered Speech Analytics for Amazon Connect (Preview)

One of the primary motivations for Amazon Connect is to make it easy for our customers to deliver better customer service at a lower cost. Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) permits us to investigate new ways to raise the bar for customer service. Can an AI-based agent participate in the conversation and recommend actions or find […]