AWS Contact Center

Tag: analysis

How to programmatically access Amazon Connect Rules using APIs

Many businesses today use Amazon Connect Rules, a feature of Contact Lens for Amazon Connect, through Amazon Connect console for creating and managing rules. This restricts businesses who want to manage the automation of rules creation and management from any home-grown or third-party solution outside of the Amazon Connect console. Amazon Connect Rules now launched […]

Leverage conversational analytics for chat interactions using Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

In many contact centers, a large amount of invaluable communication resides in chat interactions that can dictate the image of an organization. Deriving conversational analytics from these chat interactions can help identify crucial product feedback, improve agent enablement, and boost overall customer experience for a business. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect recently announced general availability […]

Machine learning-based customer insights with Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the general availability of Contact Lens, machine learning powered contact center analytics for Amazon Connect. Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center that helps companies of any size deliver superior customer service at lower cost. With Contact Lens, supervisors and quality assurance managers can easily understand the sentiment, […]