
Category: AWS Wavelength

Managing edge-aware Service Mesh with Amazon EKS for AWS Local Zones

Introduction In a previous post, Deploy geo-distributed Amazon EKS cluster on AWS Wavelength, we introduced how to extend Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters closer to end-users for 5G network-connected applications. However, this exact pattern of using self-managed node groups also applies to AWS Local Zones, an infrastructure solution that brings AWS compute and […]

Deploy geo-distributed Amazon EKS clusters on AWS Wavelength

Introduction In December 2019, we announced AWS Wavelength, new AWS infrastructure that allows customers to deploy workload closer to 5G-connected users and devices. Customers can now use AWS Wavelength to deploy Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters and a suite of supported partner solutions available on the […]

Using AWS Wavelength, Amazon EKS, and Rafay to deliver ultra-low latency applications for 5G devices

This post is contributed by Haseeb Budhani, CEO of Rafay AWS Wavelength is an infrastructure offering optimized for mobile edge computing applications. With Wavelength, developers can deploy their applications closer to end users, resulting in an improved end-user experience. Wavelength enables the development and adoption of a new class of latency-sensitive use cases that can […]