
Category: Technical How-to

Enabling mTLS with ALB in Amazon EKS

Introduction In today’s interconnected world, communication faces evolving security threats. From sensitive financial transactions in online banking to secure data transmissions in the automobile industry, ensuring trust and authenticity between businesses is becoming more and more critical. This is where Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) can be an option to offer enhanced security through advanced […]

Build preview environments for Amazon ECS applications with AWS Copilot

Introduction In the software development sphere, immediate evaluation of every code adjustment and deploying pull requests to active environments for immediate preview and feedback is essential. This practice is instrumental in reducing post-deployment issues and operational disruptions, underscoring the urgency for dedicated preview environments. Without these environments, the risk of merging unassessed features into the […]

Train Llama2 with AWS Trainium on Amazon EKS

Introduction Generative AI is not only transforming the way businesses function but also accelerating the pace of innovation within the broader AI field. This transformative force is redefining how businesses use technology, equipping them with capabilities to create human-like text, images, code, and audio, which were once considered beyond reach. Generative AI offers a range […]

The journey to IPv6 on Amazon EKS: Interoperability scenarios (Part 3)

Introduction So far, in Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series we covered the foundational aspects of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) IPv6 clusters and highlighted key patterns for implementing IPv6 to future-proof your networks. Besides configuring your IPv6 Amazon EKS clusters, migration to the world of IPv6 involves careful infrastructure planning […]

The journey to IPv6 on Amazon EKS: Implementation patterns (Part 2)

Introduction In Part 1 of this blog series we covered the foundation of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) IPv6 clusters and the deep integration into the underlying Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) dual-stack IP mode. As customers evaluate their migration strategies to IPv6 to harness the benefits of scale and simplicity, they need […]

The Journey to IPv6 on Amazon EKS: Foundation (Part 1)

Introduction Scaling Kubernetes networking is key to addressing the growth of services and future-proofing infrastructure as the digital landscape continues to evolve. The need for a unique IP address per pod intersects with the challenges of limited IPv4 address space. The finite pool of available IPv4 addresses often forces Kubernetes cluster administrators to use alternatives […]

Deploying and scaling Apache Kafka on Amazon EKS

Introduction Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform, has become a popular choice for building real-time data pipelines, streaming applications, and event-driven architectures. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, and performant. However, managing and scaling Kafka clusters can be challenging and often time-consuming. This is where Kubernetes, an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and management of […]

Effective use: Amazon ECS lifecycle events with Amazon CloudWatch logs insights

Introduction We have observed a growing adoption of container services among both startups and established companies. This trend is driven by the ease of deploying applications and migrating from on-premises environments to the cloud. One platform of choice for many of our customers is Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). The powerful simplicity of Amazon […]

Accelerate the testing and verification of Amazon EKS upgrades with upgrade insights

Introduction Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) removes a lot of the heavy lifting that goes into managing Kubernetes. For example, AWS manages the Kubernetes control plane on your behalf, including patching, tuning, and updating it as necessary. Then there are features such as managed node groups that give you a mechanism for managing the […]

Use private certificates to enable a container repository in Amazon EKS

Introduction Containerization has gained popularity as a method for deploying and managing applications with Kubernetes, which is a leading container orchestration platform. Many customers choose Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) for its performance, scalability, availability, and integration with other AWS services and security. Enterprises across the industry opt for private container repositories, such as […]