
Category: Technical How-to

Build Generative AI apps on Amazon ECS for SageMaker JumpStart

Introduction The rise in popularity of Generative AI (GenAI) reflects a broader shift toward intelligent automation in the business landscape, which enables enterprises to innovate at an unprecedented scale, while adhering to dynamic market demands. While the promise of GenAI is exciting, the initial steps toward its adoption can be overwhelming. This post aims to […]

Enhanced VPC flexibility: modify subnets and security groups in Amazon EKS

Introduction With Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) users can modify the configuration of the cluster before and after cluster creation without having to create a new cluster. Before provisioning the cluster, users can define specific parameters like the Kubernetes version, VPC and subnets, and logging preferences. Post-creation, they can dynamically adjust various settings, such […]

Optimize AZ traffic costs using Amazon EKS, Karpenter, and Istio

In the evolving cloud-native landscape, enterprises utilizing Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) often encounter challenges that hinder their pursuit of operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Notable among these challenges are the costs associated with Cross Availability Zone (AZ) traffic, with difficulties associated with achieving seamless scalability, hurdles in provisioning right-sized instances for nodes, and intricacies […]

Scalable and Cost-Effective Event-Driven Workloads with KEDA and Karpenter on Amazon EKS

In today’s cloud-native landscape, efficient management of event-driven workloads is essential for real-time data processing. Traditional autoscaling often falls short amidst unpredictable event volumes, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), which is a managed container orchestration platform and is well-suited for deploying container-based applications. By integrating Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA) […]

Run Amazon EKS on RHEL Worker Nodes with IPVS Networking

Introduction Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Services (Amazon EKS) provides excellent abstraction from managing the Kubernetes control plane and data plane nodes that are responsible for operating and managing a cluster. AWS offers managed Amazon Machine Images, or AMIs, for Amazon Linux 2, Bottlerocket, and Windows Server. Many customers have requirements, or simply prefer, to use Red […]

On-premises egress design patterns for Amazon EKS

Introduction When adopting a Kubernetes platform, architect teams are often highly focused on INGRESS traffic patterns. Why? Kubernetes has a first-class support for in-cluster traffic flows as well as into-cluster traffic flow implemented by ClusterIP and the INGRESS constructs .The object model allows the load balancing of Kubernetes pods natively and also extends the constructs […]

Run time sensitive workloads on ECS Fargate with clock accuracy tracking

Introduction In part 1 and part 2 of this series, the importance of measuring time accuracy and relevant concepts were discussed. Additionally, we covered specifics on ways to put those concepts into practice, track metrics using Amazon CloudWatch and implement a practical solution for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. In this part 3, […]

Scale to 15,000+ tasks in a single Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) cluster

Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that simplifies your deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. Amazon ECS has deep AWS integrations and best practices built-in, which enable you to run and scale your applications in the cloud or on-premises, without the complexity of managing a control […]

Build ROSA Clusters with Terraform

Introduction With the recent release of the official Red Hat Cloud Services Provider for Terraform customers can now automate the provisioning Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters (ROSA) with Terraform. Previously, automating the creation of a ROSA cluster required using the OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI), either wrapping it in code or using additional […]

Build a multi-tenant chatbot with RAG using Amazon Bedrock and Amazon EKS

Introduction With the availability of Generative AI models, many customers are exploring ways to build chatbot applications that can cater to a wide range of their end-customers, with each instance of chatbot specializing on a specific tenant’s contextual information, and run such multi-tenant applications at scale with a cost-efficient infrastructure familiar to their development teams. […]