
Category: Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)

Multi-Region Disaster Recovery with Amazon EKS and Amazon EFS for Stateful workloads

Introduction Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a managed storage service that can be used to provide shared access to data for Kubernetes Pods running across compute nodes in different Availability Zones (AZ) managed by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Amazon EFS supports native replication of data across AWS Regions. This feature helps in designing a multi-Region disaster […]

Deploying IPFS Cluster using AWS Fargate and Amazon EFS One Zone

Deploying IPFS Cluster using AWS Fargate and Amazon EFS One Zone

Introduction Image source: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a popular decentralized storage solution used for many use cases like decentralized applications, p2p data sharing, or immutable file systems. For more usage ideas see these examples. IPFS Cluster is another application that runs alongside IPFS and provides data orchestration across a swarm of IPFS daemons […]

Run event-driven workflows with Amazon EKS and AWS Step Functions

Introduction Event-driven computing is a common pattern in modern application development with microservices, which is a great fit for building resilient and scalable software in AWS. Event-driven computing needs to be push-based with event-driven applications that are run on-demand when an event triggers the functional workflow. Tools that help you minimize resource usage and reduce […]

How to containerize legacy code into Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA)

Introduction Enterprise customers have trained their IT staff on legacy programming languages, like COBOL, for decades. These legacy programs have stood the test of time and still run many mission-critical business applications which are typical for these legacy platforms. While various migration solutions like  AWS Blu Age and AWS Micro Focus Enterprise technology exist for […]

Using Amazon ECS with NVIDIA GPUs to accelerate drug discovery

Using Amazon ECS with NVIDIA GPUs to accelerate drug discovery

This post was written in collaboration with Neel Patel, Drug Discovery Scientist, Nvidia. Drug discovery is the process through which potential new medicines are identified. It involves a wide range of scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, and pharmacology, as well as computer science. AstraZeneca and NVIDIA collaborated on developing MegaMolBART so the computational drug discovery process […]

Persistent Storage using EFS for EKS on Bottlerocket

In this post, we discuss about how to achieve persistent storage with Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters running on Bottlerocket OS with Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). Persistent storage is needed for long running stateful applications to persist state for high availability or to scale out around shared datasets. This is true […]

Running WordPress on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate with Amazon EFS

I built my first website back in 1997. It was a fan site for my then favorite musician. I didn’t know much about creating websites, but I had a burning desire to tell the World Wide Web (as if anyone was listening) about my musical preferences. The floppy-disk-booted-PCs in my school’s computer lab ran MS-DOS, […]

Introducing Amazon EFS CSI dynamic provisioning

As companies move more of their workloads to Kubernetes, they are increasingly deploying applications that need a way to share or persist data or state outside the container. Kubernetes addresses this need by exposing block and file storage systems to containerized workloads via the Container Storage Interface (CSI). Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) currently […]

Running stateful workloads with Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate using Amazon EFS

With Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), you have the choice to run Kubernetes pods on EC2 instances or AWS Fargate. AWS Fargate, a serverless compute engine for containers, allows you to run Kubernetes workloads without creating and managing servers, scaling your data plane, right-sizing EC2 instances, or dealing with worker nodes upgrades. Fargate, thus far, […]

Developers guide to using Amazon EFS with Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate – Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of this blog post series on how to use Amazon EFS with Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate. For reference, these are the blog posts in this series: Part 1: This blog provides the background about the need for this integration, its scope and provides a high-level view of the use cases […]