AWS Database Blog

Category: Blockchain

Import Ethereum private keys to AWS KMS

In the world of digital assets, private keys have always been of utmost importance. Unlike traditional assets, digital assets are controlled by private keys (a string of letters and numbers), just like passwords, which unlock the right to manage and use assets. Private keys can be used to irreversibly transfer funds from the wallet, thus, […]

Run Ethereum nodes on AWS

Amazon Managed Blockchain and many partners of AWS offer a convenient way to use Ethereum nodes without operating your own infrastructure. But sometimes, when you want to run archive nodes or participate in Ethereum staking, the managed nodes aren’t enough, and you may choose to run your own Ethereum nodes on AWS. To run a […]

The Future of Personal Digital Records: Unlocking Security and Efficiency through Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize how personal digital records are managed, stored, and shared, because it offers unique features such as immutability, transparency, security, and decentralization. The application possibilities of blockchain technology in the context of personal digital records encompass various potential use cases, including but not limited to: Create decentralized digital identity […]

Gain insights from Web3 data with The Graph and Amazon Managed Blockchain

Analyzing data originating on a blockchain can be a challenging and time-consuming process due to the complexity and variety of smart contract structures. This primary obstacle requires an in-depth understanding of the various platforms you wish to analyze. In the Web3 space, each protocol has their own way of storing and calling methods, making implementation […]

Implement a CI/CD pipeline for Ethereum smart contract development on AWS – Part 2

This post discusses the implementation details of an Ethereum smart contract CI/CD pipeline as outlined in a previous post, which is considered a prerequisite to the topics discussed in this post. Part 1 highlighted some of the challenges faced by a multi-developer team implementing a decentralized application (dApp) and how CI/CD can help address those […]

Streamline interstate Department of Motor Vehicles collaboration with Private Blockchain

According to the United States Census Bureau, over 7.9 million Americans moved from one state to another in 2021 alone. One of the tasks an individual must complete when moving from state to state is trading in their driver’s license from their former state of residence for a license in their new state of residence. Each state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is responsible for the issuance and management of driver’s licenses within the state, and this requires collaboration with other state DMVs to gather important data such as traffic offenses occurring out of state. In this post, we discuss how blockchain can streamline driver’s license issuance and foster deeper collaboration between DMVs in all 50 states and why blockchain is a compelling technology choice.

Use Cosmos technology to deploy an enterprise consortium chain on AWS

Cosmos is a decentralized network of interoperable blockchain networks that serves as an open and highly scalable environment on which to build blockchain applications. With effective support for cross-chain interaction between homogeneous and heterogeneous blockchains, Cosmos aims to extend interoperability to a broader landscape. In this post, we discuss the value and technical architecture of Cosmos and provide a detailed tutorial on the quick deployment of the Cosmos enterprise framework (IRITA) within the AWS environment.

Implement a CI/CD pipeline for Ethereum smart contract development on AWS – Part 1

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) is a process that automates software development workflows and deploys better quality software that avoids bugs and code failure. CI/CD removes the manual human intervention that was traditionally needed to get code changes from development environments to production servers. With a CI/CD pipeline, code changes are automatically detected, built, […]

Choose AWS Graviton and cloud storage for your Ethereum nodes infrastructure on AWS

The first question that comes up for everyone who wants to manage their own Ethereum nodes on AWS is how to select the right compute and storage. To answer this question, we ran a series of tests and observed how popular Ethereum Execution Layer (EL) clients go-ethereum with LevelDB (Geth) and Erigon work on Amazon […]

IPFS on AWS, Part 3: Store NFT data on IPFS

This series of posts provides a comprehensive introduction to running IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) on AWS: In Part 1, we introduce the IPFS concepts and test IPFS features on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance In Part 2, we propose a reference architecture and build an IPFS cluster on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service […]