AWS Database Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Schedule Amazon RDS stop and start using AWS Lambda

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. Traditional relational databases require time spent on capacity planning, maintenance, backup, and recovery; a substantial amount of a database administrator’s time is lost to these tasks. Amazon RDS helps DBAs to focus on other […]

Amazon QLDB data streaming via AWS CDK

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB) is a fully managed ledger database that provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log. You can use Amazon QLDB to track each application data change, and it maintains a complete and verifiable history of changes over time. Because of those key features, banking customers have adopted Amazon QLDB as a database […]

Use Python SQLAlchemy ORM to interact with an Amazon Aurora database from a serverless application

As organizations work to modernize their traditional applications to an event-driven, serverless model, a question that comes up frequently is how the object-relational mapping (ORM) layer should be managed. Packaging it with AWS Lambda functions increases its size and adds a cognitive burden on the development team to track. In addition, many organizations have requirements […]

Visualize your AWS Infrastructure with Amazon Neptune and AWS Config

As an organization, you run critical applications on AWS, and the infrastructure that runs those critical applications can be spread across different accounts and have complex relationships. When you want to understand the landscape of your existing setup, it can seem daunting to go through lists of resources and try to understand how the resources […]

How Zulily drives discovery shopping using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics and Amazon DocumentDB

This is a guest post by Sergey Podlazov – Director of Engineering (Shopping Experience) at Zulily, Senthil Kumar, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS, and Praveen Chamarthi, Sr. Technical Account Manager, AWS August 30, 2023: Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics has been renamed to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. Read the announcement in the AWS News Blog […]

Options for legacy application modernization with Amazon Aurora and Amazon DynamoDB

Legacy application modernization can be complex. To reduce complexity and risk, you can choose an iterative approach by first replatforming the workload to Amazon Aurora. Then you can use the cloud-native integrations in Aurora to introduce other AWS services around the edges of the workload, often without changes to the application itself. This approach allows […]

Integrate Amazon Managed Blockchain identities with Amazon Cognito

When you authenticate with a web or mobile application, you typically do so with a username and password where you’re authenticated against a user database such as Amazon Cognito. You’re expected to secure your password and rotate it periodically or when it has been compromised. When you’re building a user-facing application that is running on […]

Manage AWS ElastiCache for Redis access with Role-Based Access Control, AWS Secrets Manager, and IAM

October 2022: This post was reviewed and updated with a new architecture diagram and code updates to factor the change from CDK 1.x to CDK 2.x. Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is an AWS managed, Redis-compliant service that provides a high-performance, scalable, and distributed key-value data store that you can use as a database, cache, message […]

Capture changes from Amazon DocumentDB via AWS Lambda and publish them to Amazon MSK

When using a document data store as your service’s source of truth, you may need to share the changes of this source with other downstream systems. The data events that are happening within this data store can be converted to business events, which can then be sourced into multiple microservices that implement different business functionalities. […]

Use Amazon ElastiCache for Redis as a near-real-time feature store

Customers often use Amazon ElastiCache for real-time transactional and analytical use cases. It provides high throughout and low latencies, while meeting a variety of business needs. Because it uses in-memory data structures, typical use cases include database and session caching, as well as leaderboards, gaming and financial trading platforms, social media, and sharing economy apps. […]