AWS Database Blog

Category: Security, Identity, & Compliance

Secure Amazon Aurora clusters in HIPAA-compliant workloads

NextGen Healthcare, Inc., a leading provider of innovative, cloud-based healthcare technology solutions is on a mission to improve the lives of those who practice medicine and their patients. Our NextGen Population Health solution provides actionable insights directly to care teams via the aggregation and transformation of multi-source data. Built as a cloud native product, NextGen […]

Security is time series: How VMware Carbon Black improves and scales security observability with Amazon Timestream

August 30, 2023: Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics has been renamed to Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink. Read the announcement in the AWS News Blog and learn more. Amazon Timestream is a fast, serverless, and secure time series database and analytics service that can scale to process trillions of time series events per day. Organizations […]

Securely generate Ethereum validator keys at low cost using a serverless architecture on AWS

The new proof-of-stake consensus mechanism on Ethereum blockchain network allows network participants to earn rewards without spending a lot of computational power for playing a part in securing the network. Unlike miners, validators don’t need to spend many CPU cycles to produce new blocks. They stake 32 ETH (the native cryptocurrency on Ethereum) to be […]

Simplify managing access to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis clusters with IAM

Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a fully managed, Redis-compatible, in-memory caching service that provides microsecond speed to support real-time applications. ElastiCache for Redis combines the speed, simplicity, and versatility of open-source Redis with the reliability, scalability, manageability, and security from AWS to power the most demanding real-time applications in media and entertainment, financial services, ecommerce, AdTech, […]

Securely assess database schema migrations using AWS SCT, Amazon RDS for Oracle, and AWS Secrets Manager

Database migration is a multi-step process comprised of assess, mobilize, and modernize phases with different tools and technologies involved. You can use tools such as AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) to accelerate each of these phases. An important part of AWS SCT is the report that it […]

Use Amazon RDS Proxy to provide access to RDS databases across AWS accounts

Amazon RDS Proxy is a fully managed, highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) that makes applications more scalable, more resilient to database failures, and more secure. With RDS Proxy, you can handle unpredictable surges in database traffic that might otherwise cause issues due to oversubscribing connections or creating new connections […]

AWS Nitro Enclaves for secure blockchain key management: Part 3

In Part 1 of this series, we gave a high-level introduction to the AWS Nitro System and explained why Nitro is well suited for flexible and secure blockchain key management workloads. In Part 2, we guided you through the steps to configure aspects like AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key policies and how to […]

AWS Nitro Enclaves for secure blockchain key management: Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we provided a high-level introduction to the AWS Nitro System and explained why Nitro is well suited for flexible and secure blockchain key management workloads. In this post, we guide you through the steps to configure aspects like AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key policies and how to […]

AWS Nitro Enclaves for secure blockchain key management: Part 1

Public blockchains are used for a variety of use cases, like decentralized finance (DeFi) apps, non-fungible token (NFT) apps, or cross-border payments. Blockchains differ in their protocol and consensus design, implementation language, and smart contract capabilities. Determining how external participants can be incentivized to join a network running their own node is key in economic […]

Multi-user secrets rotation for Amazon RDS

Most database deployments have multiple database users who have varying degree of privileges on the data stored in the database, database structure, and administrative operations. In multi-user database environments, it’s important to grant and limit the privileges of different users based on their roles and needs. It’s also a best practice to limit the lifespan […]