AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

Testing CDK Applications in Any Language

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. Because the AWS CDK enables you to define your infrastructure in regular programming languages, you can also write automated unit tests for your infrastructure code, just like you do for your […]

Experimental construct libraries are now available in AWS CDK v2

The AWS CDK v2 experimental APIs are now available as separate packages, in addition to the existing stable APIs. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to model and provision your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. With the AWS CDK, you can define your infrastructure as code […]

CDK Pipelines: Continuous delivery for AWS CDK applications

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in familiar programming languages and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. The AWS CDK consists of three major components: The core framework for modeling reusable infrastructure components A CLI for deploying CDK applications The AWS Construct Library, a set […]

The AWS SDK for Java will no longer support Java 6

The AWS SDK for Java currently maintains two major versions: 1.11.x and 2.x. Customers on Java 8 or newer may use either 2.x or 1.11.x, and customers on Java 6 or newer may use 1.11.x. Free updates to the Java 6 virtual machine (JVM) were stopped by Oracle on April 2013. Users that don’t pay […]

Centralize Logs using CDK

Working with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and AWS Construct Library

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is a software development framework for defining your cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation. The AWS CDK allows developers to define their infrastructure in familiar programming languages such as TypeScript, Python, C# or Java, taking advantages of the features those languages provide. When I worked […]

Testing infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) allows you to describe your application’s infrastructure using a general-purpose programming language, such as TypeScript, JavaScript or Python. This opens up familiar avenues for working with your infrastructure, such as using your favorite IDE, getting the benefit of autocomplete, creating abstractions in a familiar way, distributing them using your […]

Setting up an Android application with AWS SDK for C++

The AWS SDK for C++ can build and run on many different platforms, including Android. In this post, I walk you through building and running a sample application on an Android device. Overview I cover the following topics: Building and installing the SDK for C++ and creating a desktop application that implements the basic functionality. […]

Introducing the ‘aws-rails-provisioner’ gem developer preview

AWS is happy to announce that the aws-rails-provisioner gem for Ruby is now in developer preview and available for you to try! What is aws-rails-provisioner? The new aws-rails-provisioner gem is a tool that helps you define and deploy your containerized Ruby on Rails applications on AWS. It currently only supports AWS Fargate. aws-rails-provisioner is a […]

Referencing the AWS SDK for .NET Standard 2.0 from Unity, Xamarin, or UWP

In March 2019, AWS announced support for .NET Standard 2.0 in SDK for .NET. They also announced plans to remove the Portable Class Library (PCL) assemblies from NuGet packages in favor of the .NET Standard 2.0 binaries. If you’re starting a new project targeting a platform supported by .NET Standard 2.0, especially recent versions of Unity, Xamarin and […]

Getting started with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and Python

This post introduces you to the new Python bindings for the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). What’s the AWS CDK, you might ask? Good question! You are probably familiar with the concept of infrastructure as code (IaC). When you think of IaC, you might think of things like AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation allows you […]