AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS CloudFormation

Testing infrastructure with the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) allows you to describe your application’s infrastructure using a general-purpose programming language, such as TypeScript, JavaScript or Python. This opens up familiar avenues for working with your infrastructure, such as using your favorite IDE, getting the benefit of autocomplete, creating abstractions in a familiar way, distributing them using your […]

Serverless data engineering at Zalando with the AWS CDK

This blog was authored by Viacheslav Inozemtsev, Data Engineer at Zalando, an active user of the serverless technologies in AWS, and an early adopter of the AWS Cloud Development Kit.   Infrastructure is extremely important for any system, but it usually doesn’t carry business logic. It’s also hard to manage and track. Scripts and templates […]

Getting started with the AWS Cloud Development Kit and Python

This post introduces you to the new Python bindings for the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK). What’s the AWS CDK, you might ask? Good question! You are probably familiar with the concept of infrastructure as code (IaC). When you think of IaC, you might think of things like AWS CloudFormation. AWS CloudFormation allows you […]

AWS CDK Developer Preview

We are thrilled to announce the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) Developer Preview release for TypeScript, JavaScript, and Java; with .NET, and Python coming soon. The AWS CDK is a software development framework to define cloud infrastructure as code and provision it through CloudFormation. The CDK integrates fully with AWS services and offers a higher-level […]