AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: .NET

Reimagining the AWS .NET deployment experience

In 2012, AWS launched .NET support for AWS Elastic Beanstalk – AWS’s first deployment service. At the same time, we also released Visual Studio support via the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio to help developers deploy their ASP.NET applications to AWS. In the 9 years since that release, the world has changed a lot. AWS […]

.NET 5 AWS Lambda Support with Container Images

Yesterday, the AWS Lambda team announced support for publishing Lambda functions as container images. As part of that release, we updated the AWS Lambda .NET tooling to support building Lambda functions as container images for .NET Core 2.1 and 3.1, as well as full support for .NET 5. .NET 5, which was released last month, […]

Announcing the end of support for the AWS SDK for .NET version 2

On May 1st, 2021, the AWS SDK for .NET version 2 (v2) will reach the end of support. After this date it will no longer receive updates or releases, including critical bugs or security updates. Previously published releases will continue to be available via NuGet. The code will remain on GitHub, but the repository may […]

.NET 5 on AWS

As long time .NET developers, many of us here at AWS share in the excitement for the GA release of .NET 5. When benchmark results were announced at .NET Conf this summer, these results validated the focus on increasing performance over its predecessor — .NET Core 3.1. Including a 30% socket performance improvement on Linux, […]

Announcing the end of support for the AWS SDK for .NET version 1

On April 1st, 2021, the AWS SDK for .NET version 1 (v1) will reach the end of support. After this date it will no longer receive updates or releases, including critical bugs or security updates. Previously published releases will continue to be available via NuGet. The code will remain on GitHub, but the repository may […]

Introducing Paginators in AWS SDK for .NET v3.5

We are happy to introduce Paginators in the latest release of AWS SDK for .NET v3.5! Many AWS operations return paginated results when the response object is too large to return in a single response. Paginators can help you navigate through paginated responses from services. Basic Usage Typically, a service will return a truncated response when […]

AWS SDK for .NET v3.5 Now Generally Available

Today, we have released version 3.5 of the AWS SDK for .NET! The primary objective of this version is to transition support for all non-Framework versions of the SDK to .NET Standard 2.0. We are doing this to accelerate feature development and offer newer functionality to a greater set of customers going forward. This is […]

Architecture diagram

Run Blazor-based .NET Web applications on AWS Serverless

Blazor WebAssembly is a new client-side web development framework that lets developers to use C# to create application front end. Blazor can run client-side C# code directly in the browser, using WebAssembly. Blazor WebAssembly runs on .NET Core and it is an open source and cross-platform web framework for building single-page application using .NET and […]

A new, more simplified setup for X-Ray tracing of .NET applications

AWS X-Ray is a service that helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications. Customers use X-Ray to monitor application traces, including the performance of calls to other downstream components or services, in either cloud-hosted applications or from their own machines during development. Until now, setting up this trace capability for .NET applications required that customers […]

Environment Variables with .NET Core and Elastic Beanstalk

Along with Elastic Beanstalk’s recent release of adding Linux support for .NET Core, the Beanstalk team has also been working to standardize the support for environment variables across both the Linux and Windows .NET Core Beanstalk platforms. This means using the latest platform version for either the Linux or Windows, you can set environment variables […]