AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: plz move off old ruby

Announcing the end of support for Ruby runtimes 2.3 and 2.4 for the AWS SDK For Ruby

Starting November 22, 2023, AWS SDK for Ruby version 3 will no longer support these end of life (EOL) Ruby runtime versions: Ruby 2.3 – EOL began on 2019-03-31 Ruby 2.4 – EOL began on 2020-03-31 Since these versions are end-of-life, we have seen support drop within the Ruby community, including Bundler, Docker, and some […]

Announcing the end of support for Ruby runtimes 1.9, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2 for the AWS SDK For Ruby

Starting September 1, 2021, AWS SDK For Ruby will no longer support these end of life (EOL) Ruby runtime versions: Ruby 1.9.3 – EOL began on 2015-02-23 Ruby 2.0.0 – EOL began on 2016-02-24 Ruby 2.1 – EOL began on 2017-03-31 Ruby 2.2 – EOL began on 2018-03-31 Since these versions have long passed end-of-life, […]