AWS DevOps Blog

Category: AWS CodeCommit

Hackathon Solution Overview

Hackathons with AWS Cloud9: Collaboration simplified for your next big idea

Many organizations host ideation events to innovate and prototype new ideas faster.  These events usually run for a short duration and involve collaboration between members of participating teams. By the end of the event, a successful demonstration of a working prototype is expected and the winner or the next steps are determined. Therefore, it’s important […]

Building end-to-end AWS DevSecOps CI/CD pipeline with open source SCA, SAST and DAST tools

DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that combine software development with information technology operations. These combined practices enable companies to deliver new application features and improved services to customers at a higher velocity. DevSecOps takes this a step further, integrating security into DevOps. With DevSecOps, you can deliver secure and compliant […]

Amplify banner

Agile website delivery with Hugo and AWS Amplify

In this post, we show how you can rapidly configure and deploy a website using Hugo (an AWS Cloud9 integrated development environment (IDE) for content editing), AWS CodeCommit for source code control, and AWS Amplify to implement a source code-controlled, automated deployment process. When hosting a website on AWS, you can choose from several options. […]

CloudFormation Guard CI/CD

Integrating AWS CloudFormation Guard into CI/CD pipelines

In this post, we discuss and build a managed continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline that uses AWS CloudFormation Guard to automate and simplify pre-deployment compliance checks of your AWS CloudFormation templates. This enables your teams to define a single source of truth for what constitutes valid infrastructure definitions, to be compliant with your […]


Complete CI/CD with AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodePipeline

Many organizations have been shifting to DevOps practices, which is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases your organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity; for example, evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. An integral part of […]

architecture diagram

Scalable agile development practices based on AWS CodeCommit

Development teams use agile development processes based on Git services extensively. AWS provides AWS CodeCommit, a managed, Git protocol-based, secure, and highly available code service. The capabilities of CodeCommit combined with other developer tools, like AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline, make it easy to manage collaborative, scalable development process with fine-grained permissions and on-demand resources.

CodePipeline with CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodeDeploy stages.

Automated CI/CD pipeline for .NET Core Lambda functions using AWS extensions for dotnet CLI

The trend of building AWS Serverless applications using AWS Lambda is increasing at an ever-rapid pace. Common use cases for AWS Lambda include data processing, real-time file processing, and extract, transform, and load (ETL) for data processing, web backends, internet of things (IoT) backends, and mobile backends. Lambda natively supports languages such as Java, Go, […]

Building a CI/CD pipeline for multi-region deployment with AWS CodePipeline

This post discusses the benefits of and how to build an AWS CI/CD pipeline in AWS CodePipeline for multi-region deployment. The CI/CD pipeline triggers on application code changes pushed to your AWS CodeCommit repository. This automatically feeds into AWS CodeBuild for static and security analysis of the CloudFormation template. Another CodeBuild instance builds the application […]

CodePipeline Archietcture with all stages

Building and testing iOS and iPadOS apps with AWS DevOps and mobile services

Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) helps automate software delivery processes. With the software delivery process automated, developers can test and deliver features faster. In iOS app development, testing your apps on real devices allows you to understand how users will interact with your app and to detect potential issues in real time.