AWS DevOps Blog

Category: How-To

Building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for AWS Service Catalog (Sync AWS Service Catalog with Version Control)

AWS Service Catalog enables organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. These IT services can include everything from virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to complete multitier application architectures. You can use AWS Service Catalog to centrally manage commonly deployed IT services. It also helps […]

How to Create an Automated Database Continuous Integration and Release Management Workflow with Datical and AWS

Editors note: This blog post is out of date. For an up-to-date blog post on how to implement CI/CD for your database you can try this post “Deploy, track, and roll back RDS database code changes using open source tools Liquibase and Jenkins.”   Thank you to my colleague Erin McGill for reviewing and providing valuable feedback on this […]

How to Create an AMI Builder with AWS CodeBuild and HashiCorp Packer

Written by AWS Solutions Architects Jason Barto and Heitor Lessa It’s an operational and security best practice to create and maintain custom Amazon Machine Images. Because it’s also a best practice to maintain infrastructure as code, it makes sense to use automated tooling to script the creation and configuration of AMIs that are used to […]

Building a Secure Cross-Account Continuous Delivery Pipeline

Most organizations create multiple AWS accounts because they provide the highest level of resource and security isolation. In this blog post, I will discuss how to use cross account AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) access to orchestrate continuous integration and continuous deployment. Do I need multiple accounts? If you answer “yes” to any of […]

Use AWS CloudFormation to Automate the Creation of an S3 Bucket with Cross-Region Replication Enabled

At the request of many of our customers, in this blog post, we will discuss how to use AWS CloudFormation to create an S3 bucket with cross-region replication enabled. We’ve included a CloudFormation template with this post that uses an AWS Lambda-backed custom resource to create source and destination buckets. What is S3 cross-region replication? […]

Performing Blue/Green Deployments with AWS CodeDeploy and Auto Scaling Groups

Jeff Levine is a Solutions Architect for Amazon Web Services. Amazon Web Services offers services that enable organizations to leverage the power of the cloud for their development and deployment needs. AWS CodeDeploy makes it possible to automate the deployment of code to either Amazon EC2 or on-premises instances. AWS CodeDeploy now supports blue/green deployments. […]

Using AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB in an Automated Approach to Managing AWS CloudFormation Template Parameters and Mappings

AWS CloudFormation gives you an easy way to codify the creation and management of related AWS resources. The optional Mappings and Parameters sections of CloudFormation templates help you organize and parameterize your templates so you can quickly customize your stack. As organizations adopt Infrastructure as Code best practices, the number of mappings and parameters can […]

Implementing DevSecOps Using AWS CodePipeline

DevOps is a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that emphasizes collaboration and communication between software developers and IT infrastructure teams while automating an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services rapidly, frequently, and more reliably. CI/CD stands for continuous integration and continuous deployment. These concepts represent everything related to automation of application development […]

Extending AWS CodeBuild with Custom Build Environments

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages that are ready to deploy. CodeBuild provides curated build environments for programming languages and runtimes such as Java, Ruby, Python, Go, Node.js, Android, and Docker. It can be extended through the use of custom build environments to […]