AWS DevOps Blog

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AWS CodeBuild adds support for AWS Lambda compute mode

AWS CodeBuild adds support for AWS Lambda compute mode

AWS CodeBuild recently announced that it supports running projects on AWS Lambda. AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed continuous integration (CI) service that allows you to build and test your code without having to manage build servers. This new compute mode enables you to execute your CI process on the same AWS Lambda base images […]

How to use Amazon CodeWhisperer using Okta as an external IdP

Customers using Amazon CodeWhisperer often want to enable their developers to sign in using existing identity providers (IdP), such as Okta. CodeWhisperer provides support for authentication either through AWS Builder Id or AWS IAM Identity Center. AWS Builder ID is a personal profile for builders. It is designed for individual developers, particularly when working on […]

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Why AWS is the Best Place to Run Rust

Introduction The Rust programming language was created by Mozilla Research in 2010 to be “a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient(fast) software”[1]. If you are a beginner level SDE or DevOps engineer or decision maker in your organization looking to adopt Rust for your specific use, you will find this blog helpful […]

Announcing the AWS Well-Architected Framework DevOps Guidance

March 26, 2024: The DevOps Guidance is now available in the Lens Catalog of the AWS Well-Architected Tool as the DevOps Lens. This update enables users to self-assess their cloud-based workloads against these best practices and view improvement plans through the tool’s report. Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the launch of the AWS Well-Architected […]

Using Generative AI, Amazon Bedrock and Amazon CodeGuru to Improve Code Quality and Security

Automated code analysis plays a key role in improving code quality and compliance. Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer provides automated recommendations that can assist developers in identifying defects and deviation from coding best practices. For instance, CodeGuru Security automatically flags potential security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, hardcoded AWS credentials and cross-site request forgery, to name a […]

Blue/Green deployments using AWS CDK Pipelines and AWS CodeDeploy

Customers often ask for help with implementing Blue/Green deployments to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) using AWS CodeDeploy. Their use cases usually involve cross-Region and cross-account deployment scenarios. These requirements are challenging enough on their own, but in addition to those, there are specific design decisions that need to be considered when using CodeDeploy. […]

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Enhancing Resource Isolation in AWS CDK with the App Staging Synthesizer

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) has become a powerful tool for defining and provisioning AWS cloud resources. While CDK simplifies the process of infrastructure as code, managing resources across different projects and environments can still present challenges. In this blog post, we’ll explore a new experimental library, the App Staging Synthesizer, that enhances resource isolation […]

Build and deploy to Amazon EKS with Amazon CodeCatalyst

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts all of the tools that development teams need in one place, allowing for a unified experience for collaborating on, building, and releasing software. You can also integrate AWS resources with your […]

Automate Lambda code signing with Amazon CodeCatalyst and AWS Signer

Amazon CodeCatalyst is an integrated service for software development teams adopting continuous integration and deployment practices into their software development process. CodeCatalyst puts the tools you need all in one place. You can plan work, collaborate on code build, test, and deploy applications with continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools. You can also integrate AWS resources […]

Using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints to Build and Deploy a Video-On-Demand Application to AWS

Using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints to Build and Deploy a Video-On-Demand Application to AWS

In this blog post, we will walk you through how to create and launch new projects in minutes using Amazon CodeCatalyst Blueprints. Blueprints automatically generate source code and a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to deploy common patterns to your AWS account without requiring extensive programming knowledge. This functionality boosts productivity and lowers time […]