AWS DevOps Blog

Tag: AWS CodePipeline

Building a CI/CD pipeline for multi-region deployment with AWS CodePipeline

This post discusses the benefits of and how to build an AWS CI/CD pipeline in AWS CodePipeline for multi-region deployment. The CI/CD pipeline triggers on application code changes pushed to your AWS CodeCommit repository. This automatically feeds into AWS CodeBuild for static and security analysis of the CloudFormation template. Another CodeBuild instance builds the application […]

Architecture Diagram for CodePipline Step Functions integration

Fine-grained Continuous Delivery With CodePipeline and AWS Step Functions

Automating your software release process is an important step in adopting DevOps best practices. AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. CodePipeline was modeled after the way that the retail website automated software releases, and many early […]

CodePipeline Archietcture with all stages

Building and testing iOS and iPadOS apps with AWS DevOps and mobile services

Continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) helps automate software delivery processes. With the software delivery process automated, developers can test and deliver features faster. In iOS app development, testing your apps on real devices allows you to understand how users will interact with your app and to detect potential issues in real time.

The AWS CodePipline pipeline architecture we use to test our API.

Automating your API testing with AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, and Postman

Today, enterprises of all shapes and sizes are engaged in some form of digital transformation. Many recognize that successful digital transformation requires continuous evolution powered by a robust API strategy. APIs enable the creation of new products, improvement of the customer experience, transformation of business processes, and ultimately, the agility needed to create sustainable business […]

Architecture diagram showing an overview of how CI/CD metrics are extracted and transformed to create a dynamic QuickSight dashboard

Monitoring and management with Amazon QuickSight and Athena in your CI/CD pipeline

One of the many ways to monitor and manage required CI/CD metrics is to use Amazon QuickSight to build customized visualizations. Additionally, by applying Lean management to software delivery processes, organizations can improve delivery of features faster, pivot when needed, respond to compliance and security changes, and take advantage of instant feedback to improve the […]

Testing and creating CI/CD pipelines for AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions allow users to easily create workflows that are highly available, serverless, and intuitive. Step Functions natively integrate with a variety of AWS services including, but not limited to, AWS Lambda, AWS Batch, AWS Fargate, and Amazon SageMaker. It offers the ability to natively add error handling, retry logic, and complex branching, all […]

Identifying and resolving security code vulnerabilities using Snyk in AWS CI/CD Pipeline

The majority of companies have embraced open-source software (OSS) at an accelerated rate even when building proprietary applications. Some of the obvious benefits for this shift include transparency, cost, flexibility, and a faster time to market. Snyk’s unique combination of developer-first tooling and best in class security depth enables businesses to easily build security into […]

Customizing triggers for AWS CodePipeline with AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch Events

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps automate the build, test, and deploy processes of your application. Application owners use CodePipeline to manage releases by configuring “pipeline,” workflow constructs that describe the steps, from source code to deployed application, through which an application progresses as it is released. If you are […]

Serverless custom action architecture

Building Windows containers with AWS CodePipeline and custom actions

Dmitry Kolomiets, DevOps Consultant, Professional Services AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild are the primary AWS services for building CI/CD pipelines. AWS CodeBuild supports a wide range of build scenarios thanks to various built-in Docker images. It also allows you to bring in your own custom image in order to use different tools and environment configurations. […]

Receive AWS Developer Tools Notifications over Slack using AWS Chatbot

Developers often use Slack to communicate with each other about their code. With AWS Chatbot, you can configure notifications for developer tools resources such as repositories, build projects, deployment applications, and pipelines so that users in Slack channels are automatically notified about important events. When a deployment fails, a build succeeds, or a pull request […]